Monday, July 28, 2014

forever together

I don't know if you remember my Bonnie and Clyde. They were tiny turtles that I got from a festival last year in Terrell, TX. I  had to have two little turtles. One was going to be alone. Went out and bought them a big tank with two lights. One for heat and the other for sleeping purposes. I named them Bonnie and Clyde. Who doesn't love the famous couple? The two lovebirds. I had them for about two months. Yes loved those two little guys dearly. I know they were just small little creatures but you should have seen them get on their rock and jump off to swim. How about the times I'd come home from work and head to them to hold. They'd always hide from me but I would get them every once in a while to poke their head out, or a leg.

Bonnie and Clyde

One day Bonnie didn't look so good. She wasn't eating. We tried finding a veterinarian that specialized in reptiles to make an appointment to take her. We found a vet and made the appointment had to wait till Monday to take her since it was a Friday when we called. She didn't make it. Come Sunday she had passed. Felt so sad like if it was my fault for not knowing she was not feeling well. She now rests under a rock in our back yard.

I was more careful with Clyde. Made sure to check if he was having similar symptoms. He was happy until he also did not want to eat. So I didn't hesitate and made the first appointment possible. Told him to hang in there. Didn't really care how much it was going to cost just knew that I wanted him to be well. Loved the little guy. Come the day for his appointment and he didn't make it. He now resides next to Bonnie under the rock. Felt horrible for days. Crazy isn't it. I only had them for two months and already loved what people like making soup out of.

Was already going to train them to be on a leash to take them walking. Having them roam the floor in the house and have them bite the cats and have the dogs gently push them where they wanted to be.

Ever since then Heather has been trying to get me some more but I just can't replace them. Doesn't feel right especially if it happened again. I just never got to take them to the vet to see what exactly it was that caused them to go. We even bought special food to give them. Cut up lettuce as treats.

Ironic isn't it how the real Bonnie and Clyde could not be buried next to each other but my Bonnie and Clyde are together.

Heather tells me that it is always hard to buy me something for my birthday. It really is hard. I don't ask for much and usually the things I want I can afford and just buy it. But this year was different.
Came home today from my parents to find a box shipped all the way from Honolulu, HI. It arrived late but when I opened the box it was Bonnie and Clyde together forever.

Maybe they couldn't be apart after all. It was the most beautiful message on a rope I could have ever asked for.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

steps in the way

I know I shouldn't complain but I do anyway, I'm only human. I honestly forget how old I really am until my body tells me. A week ago I fell. Yes this girl fell. Then I thought about how many times I've fell in my lifetime that I can remember. It seems that every time I fall, steps are involved.  The first one that I can remember at the moment was when I was working downtown. I was leaving the porch of our home in Dallas and I was around nineteen years old.  I missed a step and fell ripping my pantyhose down my knee. I don't remember what happened next just remembered being mad at the fact that I tore my pantyhose and I was now going to be late for work. These things were mandatory when showing leg. The second time I fell was here in my home going down the steps to take the trash to the curb. I remember sitting down in the dark for a while just crying because I was mad at myself for doing so. It really hurt, I thought I had broken my ankle. Then last week I accompanied my sister to the doctors office and on the way out, I kept looking straight and forgot there were steps. I twisted my ankle as I fell on my behind. It hurt but I was more concerned and glad that it wasn't my sister who was carrying a baby in her belly. Then again things like this only happen to me.
I took this photo just minuets before I fell

I had hurt my knee running and it hasn't totally healed, and now my ankle hurts. I feel like my body is telling me that I am getting really old, especially when I feel like I wobble when I walk. I am not mad that it hurts but upset at the fact that these are signs of not being young and not being able to just get back up and like nothing happened. Normally by this time I'd be pain free.

Towards the end of my shift today I ended helping a man that was special and he just didn't know it. He walked hunched over. Told me his story. Here was a man standing five foot one not because he was old but because he had back surgery. The surgery went wrong that he had to go back and have part of his ribs removed to help him walk and that is why he now walks like if  his waist is on his chest. Here stood a man that was once five foot nine. Yes, five foot nine now five foot one. He was still walking. Because of his waist he forgets what size to get in pants. Here was an old man by himself and all I could tell him was to not give up, he is not a quitter. He smiled and said "No, I am not".

He made me feel horrible about feeling all damaged and happy that he was still surviving his everyday tasks. After he left a lady heard our conversation and started to almost cry. She saw him walk away with his walker and couldn't look me in the face from bursting into tears so then I tried to hold mine back. We both started to fill our eyes with tears.

I'd had a rough day with people and the way I was mad at myself when the last thirty minutes of my workday God send me an elderly angel to tell me its okay.