Monday, January 4, 2016

greasing my pants

I've been having the junk yard on my mind for months now. The junk yard, a place known for broken down or wrecked cars, a resting place for cars to be used for parts. Somehow I've been missing it. I remember my dad taking me there as a kid. We couldn't afford new parts for the cars when they broke down so this was like a haven for him to be able to find what could be used. Sometimes my sister would go so she and I would explore, wondering behind him as he looked for what he needed. It's not a safe place for kids to play but I missed the idea of going there with my dad.

When I went over to my parent's today my dad asked if I wanted to go with him to the junk yard, and I said yes. He said, "hope it's okay". I thought to myself why wouldn't it be? I think it's because ladies don't really go to a place like this one. When we arrived all I could think of was how much it had changed since I was a kid. Walking up to it, there was a lady waiting in her car while her man was inside. See what I mean about not being a ladies place to be? It still costs two bucks to get in. You also get your hand stamped and you sign in. Kind of exclusive and fancy, huh?

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We went for two things. A headlight for my mom's suburban and a transmission for my dad's truck. You'd be surprised how many people go for head lights. We were lucky to find one. The transmission was another story. Three hours later and we had the transmission. Heavy thing and all greased up. Having to pick it up and put it on the bed of the truck was another challenge. My dad is not as strong as when I was a kid so I have to fill in what he now lacks. My dad is getting old.

I enjoyed today, in more ways than you can imagine. Loved doing something I missed as a kid. Brought back memories. Knowing that just because I am a girl I can still hold it down like a guy. Not your ordinary lady. My dad always tried to teach us girls what he could about doing mechanic stuff to the cars but it never stuck.

Even though I was extra careful, today I got my jeans greased and I loved it.