Harvey has been hiding for awhile. I think he is the one that has taken it harder than the rest.
When parents of children split it becomes a battle for the children. Either parent will want custody, some will just walk out and never look back. In some cases you can talk to your children and let them know what is going on. In my case I either got lucky or I should have been able to have a baby. I would have not felt for me but would have put all my focus on my child. It would have given me the strength I needed to move ahead.
You see we brought into our home three dogs, four cats, and a turtle. This isn't including the ones that come to the door for food. As soon as Heather decided she wanted to move she told me she didn't want the dogs or the turtle just the cats. I was okay with it. I'm not really a cat person but because I love her I gave in. I am a Harvey person. Just something about him that sets him apart from the rest.
I've been responsible for all of them. The cats are the easiest to care for. With the dogs you have to make sure they go out to potty. Normally that big pound bag is easy to carry but now I'm having to slide it in my basket and drag it inside the house. My strength isn't good right now. I hope to gain it quickly after my surgery.
The pets in my home haven't been the same. They noticed that someone wasn't coming home. They tend to eat when we are both together so it was hard the first couple of days. The cats need the human touch. They constantly need to be held or petted. Harvey hid for days. He would come out to eat but I didn't even see him eat. He finally came out today. He came straight to me to pet him. He laid by my side on the couch. I think he finally realized his human is gone.
As humans we don't realize that our pets also go through a separation. They feel the absence of one's parent. I just hope I can handle all of them because it isn't fair to them either.