Monday, October 8, 2018

The house by the creek

There are certain places that seem just right to go to during the night. I know that a lot of people enjoy this time of year. I freaking love it with a passion. It's the month I care to enjoy it all. I visit haunted houses, listen to ghost stories, watch all the scary movies that will come out, and end it with a Day of the Dead celebration. The most anticipated holiday I look forward too celebrating. I haven't planned anything ahead. I've just been going with what comes to mind. Went to my first haunted house this past weekend. Creekside Manor Haunted House in Midlothian, Texas. Proceeds of the ticket sales go to a charity. It was a group of five braves souls. We welcomed a new beginner to the scares. I did everything backwards by being the leader, the front woman to go in first.

It was a house in the woods. I parked my car across the street. Met with the rest of the group and bought our ticket. One person went to the restroom before going inside. It is always important to go to the restroom before going inside. The entrance had a small cemetery setting leading to a small room. You have to pass the small room to get in line to go inside. Beware of the small room. The house looked broke down with boarded windows. The house was perfect on a rainy night. We debated on going because it had started to rain hard. I would normally cancel but not this night. Rain was coming down hard but I told myself and the rest of the crew that it might stop by the time we got there. Minutes before we arrived it stopped raining. Once in line to get in the big house we start wondering how long the experience will be. We wonder if what we paid was going to be worth the scare. It was their first weekend opening and we couldn't wait to get the season started.

They took our tickets and it was our turn. Our group got to go inside together. Once inside the smell of mildew filled the air. It was the perfect setup for what we were about to endure. I went first holding my friends arm. Two more friends followed and our fifth friend was in the back. I do not know what I was thinking going in first. I kept screaming and yelling going through the narrow halls. Kept yelling for our fifth friend to see where she was. I got so scared at one scary creature that I actually pushed him away. I put my hand on his chest and pushed. I don't think I was suppose to do that but he got me good. I would run through there dragging my friend with me. Of course the chainsaw would try to scare us once we would step outside. I think by this point I would be used to it by now but nope I ran. These are the times when if you aren't a runner you would be the first one out of there.
Creekside Manor Haunted House

The whole experience was really scary good. The drive wasn't that bad. I woke up the next morning with a hoarse voice. It's Monday and a bruise on my hand finally appeared. I don't remember hitting my hand on anything but then again when you get scared the adrenaline kicks in.

The best haunted houses are the ones in the middle of nowhere. The houses that are in the woods. If I'm asked if I would go back to this one, the answer is yes. I'm going to start to pack a cooler with drinks because these places make you hot and thirsty. Yes hot and thirsty for more.

Which ever haunting you go to this year may you cry from laughing hard at yourself, have you loosing your clothes, (in my case my shoe), or have you almost pee your pants.

But whatever happens just be brave. Be scared of the real not the make belief.

Monday, October 1, 2018

A house built in 1854

My plan was to take the drive today, being the first of October. I took yesterday off work. I got up early decided to go for a walk came back and had my morning coffee. I began watching some scary stories on YouTube. The time now was twelve o'clock. I was thinking should I go ahead and go today? I mean I'm not doing anything. By one o'clock I had me an ice coffee to go and headed for the highway. The time it took to get to my destination was three hours. Once in the car I was thinking was I crazy? But I've done this before so I was just listening to music with my window down. My hair blowing making it messy but I didn't care. I tend to say what I feel the day I'm living with the people I see. I never know if it will be my last. I also never tell anyone where I'm going. I don't tell them because they worry. Half way to my destination I'm listening to my music when the car in front of me slams on their brakes. I began to slam on my breaks. It was a two lane highway due to construction. I was on the left lane on my right an eighteen wheeler. I began to hit my brakes so hard that I ended making my own lane in between the car and the eighteen wheeler. Lets just say I was one lucky traveler. It could have ended rammed behind the car or under that big rig. I guess it wasn't time for me yet....again. The car in front of me wasn't paying attention because she was on her phone and slammed on her brakes. I told myself, was it meant for me to even continue my trip? Just an hour and a half more to go.
under beautiful blue skies sets a home worth saving

I passed the dirt road that led to what I was looking for. I made a u-turn and it was now three fifty. I could see it as I was driving up to it. There it was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre House. How freaking exciting after so many years of wanting to actually make the trip I finally made the journey. It wasn't the original place the home of the house was placed. It was also surrounded by a fence and cameras were put in place. There was a box of flyers telling you about the house. I could have disobeyed the privacy that they were asking to keep and gone under the fence. Since I hadn't told anyone where I was I felt that I'd be missing for days had I trespassed. People actually live on the land. The house is boarded up but it's in the process of being restored. The house is real. The actual story of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't, or at least that is what they want you to believe. I don't think that if you actually had something like this happen to your family you'd want to be associated with the story. This is the house used as the prop for the movie. The house was moved from the University of Texas campus to this location when the City of Austin bought the land. To preserve the history of this house they moved it to a family farm now in Granger, Texas. It's a piece of Texas history so the plan is to conserve the house. Even though it was boarded up it was just a beautiful thing to see. Pictures were allowed. The idea of actually making the trip to see if it even existed was well worth the drive.

I went in day light don't know if I would have gone at night. I don't recommend you going alone. I take adventures by myself but if you want to explore Granger, Texas don't do it alone. Once I was an hour back home I let my sisters know I had gone on an adventure. Would I do this again....most definitely. I will always feed my wandering soul. Love this gypsy life now given. Will I ever stop? Not even close. Happy haunting to another start to a scary season. Go live and be free to do the things meant for you to see. I'm living this dream of finding what makes my wandering soul feel free.

Was it scary? No. Was it exciting? Hell yes it was. Do I need new brakes? Most definitely.