Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1313 mockingbird lane

This past Saturday we had an adventure that could date back to black and white. The Munster Mansion was awesome. We arrived late around 9pm and waited in line for about an hour and a half. They would let only twelve people at a time. Only two groups were allowed inside the house at once. Outdoor activities took place and characters in costume entertained us. The question I had asked was the tour worth it. People replied with "yes it is awesome."

I learned about the mansion three years ago. I learned that they had opened their home to the public in 2002 and have dedicated to one weekend in October to showing their home. Everything you see from the characters, food, games, prizes are donated. Everything made this weekend goes to a special charity which is the SPCA of Ellis County. I was like a kid when they let us go ahead of a group. They opened that door and you could see the dragon under the stairs. The house was just unbelievable. They have made friends with people that have helped them make this possible. Some were original props from the show to some were made to be replicas. Every year you never know what will be an original. My favorite room was Eddie's. From the huge human size birdcage to the secret passage way. They live in the home the way it is dressed on the show. From the beds to the dinning room. They even had a fridge made to be identical to the show. They had the phone booth in a coffin. Lily (Sandra Mckee) even had dresses that were made to look like the originals. One was made out of the fabric from a coffin. It was just out of this world. We couldn't take pictures on the inside but some people were being sneaky in doing so. I just didn't want to get thrown out. I got the opportunity to ask Lily (Sandra) what made all this possible? If she is a fan? She laughed and told me that it started from a joke and it grew. They built the house from ground up. Someone asked a tour guide what their profession was. I bet everyone was thinking it. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Lily and Herman (Charles Mckee) are some of the nicest people that I have dealt with in a long time. We plan on going back but it won't be till five years from now. I want to see how much it has changed. Lily (Sandra) never met the real Lily (Yvonne De Carlo) but got the opportunity to talk to her over the phone before she died. They have a room filled with memorabilia. People all over have sent them items for their collection. Talk about fans. The tours started at seven there wasn't a wait in line then but I have to say my wait was well worth it. If you grew up watching the Munsters you have got to check this place out. Kids went to accompany their parents but couldn't understand why the house was the way it was.

Walked to the living room then the kitchen I asked the guide do they move the objects to keep them safe? The guide said no the way you see it is the way they live. The kitchen had permanent spider webs and the dust and fog were an every day look. Then we walked upstairs to the bedrooms. Herman and Lily's first, then Marylin, then Grandpa's, then Eddie's. The secret passage way from Eddie's room took us back downstairs to the memorabilia room, then an antique room and the one room in that house that looks normal. The normal room led us believe to be just a relaxing room where Herman keeps his guitars.

If you didn't get an opportunity to go this year there will be next year. It's a must see attraction.

If they made this home their mansion ....what is your passion?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I haven't been able to write in awhile or to tell you of my adventures. I would like to say that one day I'm in Mexico and the next back what I call home. Mexico is where my parents grew up, met, feel in love, and married. Mexico is a part of me. I'd like to believe it to be a fairy tell. They've had so many obstacles and when I hear stories they have me thinking I wouldn't be who I am today if it not for them. I would have wanted to be a better person but things happen. I can actually say that things have happen in my life that can not possibly happen to someone else. So I say don't judge me because you don't know where I've been or where I come from. What you see is what you get. My life consists of my soul mate Heather, my parents, my sisters, my nieces, nephews and my in laws. The word in laws is just horrible so my family sounds better. The very few good friends I have make up a part of my life.

jealousy turns into hate and hate makes you do things that will blow your mind.

i live my life not thinking of looking over my shoulder for my enemies but they are there.

the devil finds ways to bring you down always. it's a continuing battle.

you stand there looking and without realizing it, it attacks. you scream because you didn't see it coming. the next thing you know to do is shield. not realizing how lucky you are that god made it seem less painful and harmless as it could have been. i cried out of anger....... not from pain.
teeth marks from a dog in Mexico
yes i was told he had his shots.

just a chapter in my life and I'll be ready for future ones.