Tuesday, January 13, 2015

pay phone

Have I told you how not to break a pay phone? Wait do you know what a pay phone is? I've used them in my lifetime even checked them for quarters left in the slots before.

I'm trying to enjoy a break away from work but it's hard when you sit down and the couple next to you are speaking loudly. They have two little girls and an older little boy. He keeps his little sisters entertained as the adults are speaking. You can tell just by the boys reactions to his sisters that he has had to be an adult at times. Next thing you hear is the man getting loud and yelling at his lady. I'm going to say they are married just so that I can get some justification for myself. He then slams his fist on the table and I stop what I'm doing to look at them. I think everyone there practically froze to see what his problem was. At this point the lady gets embarrassed and immediately gets up. He blocks her from passing so she pushes her way through. Anger comes over me and my eyes won't stop drilling his back as he walks away. He leads the way then her and the children. As they walk out he continues to curse, using fowl language, towards everyone that just witnessed what he had done. I believe it to be over at this point.

As I continue to grasp what is going through my mind as to why things like this happen to women, or why they don't realize how bad it can be, I hear the boy yelling for his mommy. When they left the area I could hear along with others the boy calling for his mother and the two little girls start to cry. He had his hand around the lady's neck pinned up against the wall.  People started coming in and leaving yelling to call security. All they knew was to call security. I heard a big noise and the guy had let go and walked out leaving her there with the children.

When I got to her I saw him leave, she was okay but I immediately called 911. I figured I wanted him to pay so I just assumed to call them. When I dialed the number I had to pause because I was trying to fight back tears. So she asked me again "what is your emergency" I apologized and told her what had happened and told her what needed to be said. By this time the lady had left with her babies. When I got off the phone she had sent a signal to my phone when I didn't answer. That I learned that day. Learned that if I was really in danger and called 911 and was unable to speak that they would come to my aid regardless. When I got of the phone it told me to deactivate the signal.

I know you are probably wondering why I choked when I called 911, I guess it would be the children calling for their mommy. Picture a six year old, four year old, and three year old yelling mommy mommy mommy while they are crying knowing she is being harmed. Innocent bystanders to their parents not knowing how it affects the little ones. Not knowing that one day things will get really bad and wonder where there mommy is and why it may look like their father left them.  I use to think that things like this happen behind closed doors but I'm seeing it more out in the open. There has to be a way out.

A woman is a delicate being, why not treat her that way. A mother's love is like no other so why not protect her babies. Why is it so hard to get help? It's never easy but why not try? Take a minute to step outside yourself and look in and see if you like what you see.

My question, how do you break a pay phone? Remember that big noise? Picture a man letting the hand holding the neck of the mother of his children go, and knowing he is being watched. So instead of his wife he grabs the phone next to him and breaks it. That is how mad a mad man can get.

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