Thursday, April 12, 2012


we are at the fort worth community arts center while taking a break we took this picture. i can't remember who took it me or heather but didn't realize it till later that something was there. i looked at it closely then told heather to look at it again it's kind of blurry but i don't know if you see the same thing that i did. it looks like a little hand trying to touch my face. i told my sister about it but she didn't want to look at it because she lives in the middle of the woods and didn't want to get scared but when she finally saw it she said it looked like little fingers. i told her why she was scared if it was my face that it wanted to touch or maybe it did. 

i hope it was good, that little hand that wanted to touch me if not i'm in deep trouble. so i'm going to say that it was a little angel taking care of the left side of my face since for some reason that side always seems to give me trouble, after having a minor accident awhile back. so to my little angel thanks for letting me see you even though you'd been there all along.

so yes even though you may not see them they are always there, at least that's what we hope for.

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