How about when you come upon a story that just makes your skin bubble with anger. I came upon a story of a four month old puppy. How he was brutally tortured and burned. On April 4th over 70 percent of his body was burned with lighter fluid. This wasn't hours away from where I live more like minutes.
When I saw the puppy in the newspaper I expected to see something small but he wasn't and that is what made it worse. He was a growing puppy left on the streets to fend for food no one to love him and someone made it their business to turn him into a joke to set him on fire. A bystander saw and called the police. When the police came the people amused took off running. The police got closer and saw a puppy burned and hiding behind an air conditioning unit at an apartment complex. They rushed him to Texas A&M Small Animal Hospital to get help but he didn't make it. They named him Justice. Justice was fitting a way to find justice for him.
There was a reward for information leading to an arrest. The reward went from the SPCA 5,000.00 to other donations that led up to 25,000.00. So many people got involved and started to find ways to help.
DFW Rescue Me said a vigil will be held at 7:30pm Friday in front of Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St.. A funeral will be at 1pm Saturday at Toothacres 1639 Parker road in Carrollton all were welcome to attend.
The day of the vigil the person responsible came forward. Finally the guy that claimed to have done it came forward. On April 20 there was an arrest. His mother on the other hand states that he wasn't in town. I just don't understand why he would turn himself in if he didn't do it. I actually thought that the person or people responsible would never get caught especially come forward.
The case now has to be moved to a different county because the judge assigned withdrew himself from the case. He knew about what happened and that was going to affect the verdict. I think that the case might have to go farther than county area. On may 12. 2012 bond was split in half from 100,000.00 to 50,000.00. His mother wanted it to be 1,500.00. WHAT A JOKE. There are threats being made against the 18 year old name Darius Ewing. Darius family members and friends are trying to make fundraisers to come up with the money. WOW.
Darius family doesn't understand how the life of a dog is more important than a human. I say really you want to go there. They even pulled out the race card. Come on you have no other back up than the race card. This has nothing to do with race. A harmless animal couldn't defend himself from a human.
We missed the vigil and the burial. We were out of town. When we got back we took a trip out to Carrolton to visit Justice. The day we went out to see we knew that this was just no ordinary puppy but a puppy that will not be forgotten. He might have not ever found love on the streets but he was loved before he left this cruel world. His casket was donated and people came to say goodbye. Its sad to see a puppy suffer and to know how he suffered makes it just as worse. I hope that Justice does get justice. He didn't get a chance to live a long tail wagging tongue licking life.
I don't know what made me follow this story. Maybe because it's just wrong. The end is still to come. I just knew that we had to follow it begining to end.
More than a hundred people attended the funeral. He is a special puppy "Justice"