Woke up feeling yucky and as the day progressed I knew I had caught something. I don't know exactly what it is just know I don't like this feeling. Worked today being sick still means making my money. Okay sometimes I do call in to work but I didn't think I had to. Before lunch I already knew I didn't want to come back. Kept having to turn around due to the fact that my nose decided to start dripping. How freaking embarrassing. Took a Dayquil this morning but I think it had wore off so I took another on my lunch since I knew I was running a fever. Took a small five minute nap on lunch before fighting myself to go back. I thought I was embarrassed this morning nope after lunch my fever broke. That is the term used I don't know why though. It's not like I fell down and my fever stayed on the ground shattered while I stood up. I started feeling hot. Really sweaty hot. To my surprise other people noticed. One person was telling me that they hadn't seen me in hot flashes before if I was okay. So I replied by saying I'm not that old to the point of hot flashes yet. While another person that I was dealing with that had never seen me before in my life asked if I was okay. That I was really sweating. I had to explain the whole breaking my fever story. Then I told myself enough is enough who can I give my sickness to. Yes I'm evil that way. It's a myth that if you are sick you can pass it on to someone else and that will allow you to get rid of it. So I found my target. Never made it to her. I instead just went to the restroom to wipe my face.
I put dish soap (Dawn) to give an illustration. |
I'm about to tell you a myth that I learned today that you might have heard before but it is my first time hearing of it. While wiping my face and blowing my nose in the restroom a lady told me of something she was told to help in my condition. She was told that if you have a runny nose, sore throat, sinus headache, or feel congested all you have to do is spit on your left wrist first. Yes spit. Spit on your left wrist rub it in with your fingers then spit on your right wrist then rub it in with your fingers. It sounds gross but it's actually you spitting on yourself. Now I don't know how true this is but she claims that she told someone else about it and it helped. Unless you can prove to me how that can medically help you improve your well being then I'll give it a try. But until then I'm going to stick with Dayquil and NyQuil. I just plugged those in.
I figured if I have to hear stories like this one I shouldn't have to be the only one to know about it. I bring out the stories in some folks.
Hope to get better soon because April will be my busy month. Will be outdoors more than usual.
You know how sometimes, I know I'm not the only one that says this, how sometimes you wish things on your worst enemy? Well I don't ever wish them bad things just wish them to feel like I did today. I'm horrible aren't I?
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