Monday, October 17, 2016

spicy or regular ketchup

Having lunch with my dad today like a normal Monday. My way of getting him out of the house and talking. We mainly talk about politics and what is new with the family. How he is feeling? There was a line to order, so I told my dad to have a seat as I waited for my turn. I spotted a particular young individual calling out the numbers and asking people if they wanted spicy or regular ketchup. Some couldn't make out what he was asking but some did. The person in front of me told the cashier how good it was that they had hired him. It really gave us a sense of appreciation for the place. I sat down and told my dad if he had spotted the same particular young individual? He said yes. We all need a job. I told him that if he was able to get one there was no excuse for the people that don't look for one. He called out our number, came to us, and asked if we wanted regular or spicy ketchup. He was so polite. You could hear his fellow associates giving him praise for how good he was working. I heard his manager tell him he wished the rest of his crew were as dedicated as him. No one complained but I was ready to make my stand if someone had a problem with it.

All I could think about was Trevor, and how it would be cool if he had a job. He wants to feel needed. He wants to work. He wants to feel as normal as anyone else. How I wished and hoped that he would get that chance.

We happened to get some good news today. How crazy the world works. How earlier today I was thinking about him having the same opportunities and now to find out he will soon be starting his new job. Heather talked to her mom today and heard the good news. Trevor will be not only in his senior year of high school but also a young special needs guy with a job. So happy to hear that he has been given this opportunity. Can't wait to hear his stories. I'm pretty sure his work stories will be much better than mine. Love the way God hears us even when we don't expect it.


  1. That is so awesome. I wished he were closer, I would go visit him at work!
