Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i declare it friendship day!

today yes all over the world we celebrate Valentines Day. some celebrate it by surprising their love. some call their daughters like my mom to wish us Feliz Dia de Amistad (Happy Friendship day). i try not to celebrate this day as a day of love from my love but as a day to wish friends a day of love. let me explain. some of us wait for that special someone to come along and love us the way one is intented to be. i waited 22 years for my soulmate to come along till then yes i'm not going to lie and say that it didn't hurt the other years to be left out of celebrating Valentines. so as far as i can remember i told my self that i would celebrate it by wishing my friends a Happy Friendship Day. a day whether you as my friend had someone or not in your life you were at least loved by me. so many people feel lonely on this day and just because they hadn't found that special someone in their life didn't mean that they didn't need to be loved. i am not a big fan of flowers yes they are pretty but they die.i've always loved gifts that last like a letter or a picture. so my special someone kills her when she wants to always buy me flowers and i always say "you better not you know they die" so this year she made me more letters to keep and read till i get old and cut card board to make into a box. to get it to close she used a pen top and rubberband and put one single rose inside. you could not wipe that stupid smile off my face. i totally loved it. it's days like this out of many that i wish to all the people that feel so sad on this day to just know that one day, don't give up, will come. till then i wish you a Happy Friendship Day.

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