Sunday, January 29, 2012

remembering the victims

on Thursday, January 26th at 6:30 p.m. we decided to honor victims of the holocaust. we attended a candle vigil commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day at Garden of Remembrance and Tolerance the northwest corner of Houston and Pacific Streets in the West End. we didn't know what to expect all we cared about was being present to tell ourselves that we have not forgotten. it was sad to hear some of the stories and the facts. even though i have heard them before it's sad to visualize many families killed in front of their loved ones and children so innocently killed for just being born a jew. have you ever had the chance to visit the Dallas Holocaust Museum? me and heather have and it was just so ..... at the end we watched a video of stories told by survivors and all i could think is why did they have to wait so long for help. two years ago we were visisting my sister in houston and i made it my priority to take her to the Houston Holocaust Museum. she hasn't to date told me how she felt about that visit. there we so many generations lost. so on this thursday i was happy to have been on that corner with many to remember the many lives lost. if you haven't visited the Dallas Holocaust Museum you should. i will tell you right now it's not for the weak. if you want to take your children check first. when we did visit they didn't think it was apropriate for children under 8 but that was a couple of years ago. they have a new exhibit right now we plan to see it. The exhibition will include a visual display of a portion of the 1.5 million pennies collected by Dallas school children over the past six years. Each penny represents one child murdered during the Holocaust."Every Child Has a Name" The more people who attend, the more victims we can remember. we live in a world with so much hate but this was far more than hate.

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