Thursday, January 19, 2012

meeting an author

have you ever done anything random? well i decided to start the year with a challenge. heather loves books so i am forced not really i willingly join her when she goes to the library so i suck it up and try to find something to do while she does her library buisness. i mainly look around and what i found on this perticular visit was that they were going to have an author come to the library to discuss her books so i said to my self hummmmmmmmm maybe i can do this for just randomness. so i had heather help me find a book that the author wrote and was in luck and found one of her three books already published. hey, i know i am old but me and the library are not friends so i will need help finding books. i checked it out. have had it for almost two weeks and will meet the author in two days. have to read 108 pages in two days. talk about a challenge. i'm running on time. trying to read it on my breaks, lunches, and before bed. will i finish i don't know but i will try. this could have been my second book ever read within the last 3 months. my second book ever read in my life. goosebumps don't count. why did i choose to do this? i don't even know about the author or have i ever heard of her. i mainly wanted a challenge to be able to read a book in two weeks and actually meeting the author is just a bonus.  the book is titled "ALPHA DOG" a novel by Jennifer Ziegler. i will be meeting her saturday and i just hope that my random act would have been worth it. oh did i mention the book is not that bad. it started off slow but it is starting to pick up.

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