Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ten cents

It's pretty much what you want to put in your tank. When I first got my brand new car now whomty back in 2001 I wanted to give it the best that I could. I was making good money at a great job that i regret leaving but that's another story. I would always put the most expensive gas in my vehicle. Unlike others I never gave my car a name. Just called it my sandy colored car. When recession took its toll I couldn't support my cars habit of nice smelling glamours gas. I dealt with it. To this day I feel bad that the car that has made it to Cuernava, Mexico to the states as far as Kansas every other weekend to transporting my moms mother from Mexico to having my little nieces and nephews riding in it, to sometimes taking me to where the road ends hasn't gotten the best.

My car may not be glamours or a fancy expensive car but it was new and bought with my hard earned money.

The other day I was like regular at the gas pump and the regular was blocked off on all the pumps to tell us that they ran out. That's okay I'll try the mid grade. I go and try to pump gas and nothing comes out so I say okay something isn't right. I walk inside and tell the clerk "is there something wrong with the pumps". He responds and tells me that they ran out of regular and mid grade. I look confused and say but you only have regular blocked off. It's then that it clicks in my brain and i say "wait are you telling me that......" he stops me and finishes by saying yes. I realized that both regular and mid grade share the same underground tank and both come out to represent differently. I was in shock. I then put the super premium gas and went on my way but I could not shake the fact that I payed 10 cents cheaper all this time when others pay mid grade and get the same gas as me. People are getting ripped off to expect a certain quality. All this time I felt bad for not treating my whompty sandy colored car when I just saved 10 cents from getting ripped of all these years.

I still could not believe that this was going on. Went back and told heather and my parents. Now I'm telling you. I'm not saying that every gas station does this because that fact is I don't know.
I did witness it happen and just a thought that there has to be more gas stations that do this.

To all the high rollers have you been ripped off?
I for one don't feel that way anymore.

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