Monday, September 10, 2012


A big and important part of my life is Heather (my babe). I support all that she does. Whether small or big. You see she is full of so much creativity. She is good at anything she sets her mind to and I'm here to give her that push. Just recently she started to show others what she had been doing all this time. My life would not have been what it is today had I not met her. Who is to say I would even be here writing this blog if it not for her.

This past Saturday we participated in the 4th Annual Main St Event in Irving, Texas. It's actually our second time what I like to call setting up shop. Heather is really shy so she wasn't that crazy about it but me on the other hand was excited. We don't like to do this for the simple fact that we are always on the other side of the booth. We like to go to the festivals and see what we find. We have fun doing this one especially because it's in a city we know well. Heather gets to show a totally different crowd of people the things she loves to do. She makes jewelry and small paintings to sell. Love the reactions from people when they stop to look. It's different every time.

small staches on wood
pearl , shell , and wood necklaces.

This year her knew project was to make mustaches. Why you ask? People actually did ask. Well because it's something new and people are crazy about mustaches. Aren't you? I mean if you don't consider a mustache an art then why does a male even think about shaping it and making sure it looks good on his face. This is where the famous phrase of the day was introduced to us :

I mustache you a question?
But I will have to shave it for later.

Love the family that stick it out with us. Love the company and friends that stop to say hi. I'm sorry for the friends that find out a little to late to attend but I just know that we will probably do this again. This will probably be the one thing that we will continue to do till we get old or heather takes a break.

We are already coming up with ideas for next year. I can't contribute much but support. Heather is the hands on and the brains to do it. Check out her fan page on facebook:

eveything you find here is made by heather

We are sorry if we missed you we were not able to stay to 6pm. We closed shop at 4pm to attend Heathers artist reception for Made In America.

Thank you again until next years Main St Event.

Till then be proud of your mustaches we all have one.

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