Sunday, November 18, 2012


Well friends it's over. The saga has ended yes I'm going to talk about this. It has been a long time but we found out how it would end. We pretty much knew how it would end but didn't know how emotional it would be. Watched it from the beginning. Something told me I would love it and
I did. Waited patiently for it but now sad that it's over. I never really cared for Bella she is not really a good actress but hey maybe it wouldn't be the same if she wasn't in between the two loves of her life. We don't know, it could have ended the other way around. I don't want to spoil it for you in case you hadn't seen it. Some people don't care for it. I took it as a love story with a twist. Who cares if it were vampires and werewolves the point that there could be love between to different beings was what mattered. One world colliding with another. Here it is day three of watching the finale and can't stop thinking of that intense last ten minutes of the film. Wanting them to do the reply over and over. I love movies but never have I been so into a series like this one. Didn't do Harry Potter, didn't do Lord Of The Rings and I know I didn't do Star Wars. If you didn't get into The Twilight Saga that's cool it wasn't for you. I chose Edwards side, his team. The thought of falling in love with someone out of your norm and wanting to be with them for eternity is what did it for me. Myth is that vampires live forever. I don't want to live forever it would be sad to see loved ones die and you stay on. But the fact of wanting to be with the one you love forever that's true. A husband dies and his wife is left alone how much longer does she follow him? A wife dies how can a husband live without her? It would be beautiful to know that two loves died together.

I am a fan, A Twilight Fan. Let me tell you of the last part of the saga experience. Our movie started at ten o'clock and we got there at nine and there was already a line that had extended pass the ropes. Across from us the 10:30 show had people already waiting on theirs. We waited til 9:45 to actually get in for our seats. As soon as we gave our tickets people were rushing to get to the seats which were still across the theatre. I took it upon myself to run. Yes I had a dork moment but that's okay the people behind us all also ran. You will not believe the different age groups and different cultures waiting to see this movie. I hadn't realized how this had impacted anyone else. Grand parents by themselves, mother with teenagers, and grown adults without kids.

when we arrived

I didn't care for how the movie started but how it ended was totally surprising. Grown men and women would yell at the screen. So many emotions going on so many screams of anger and happiness. There was even clapping involved. Here was a crowd that had watched it from the beginning like us and knew the story line and felt a connection that I literally cried at the one moment when I felt I had lost someone I cared for. It was just so emotional. If you saw it you know what I mean. Then that sigh of relief from the audience when we all gasped for air to have witnessed what had just happened. Just an awesome ending. As the movie goes off the cast appears on the screen from begging to end to the three most important characters. They show Jacob everyone cheers. They show Edward everyone cheers. They show Bella no one really cares. Sitting there to see if by any chance there will be more but there isn't.

sporting the shirt made for me by Heather 
Here I am Sunday after watching it Friday and still have it replaying the end in my head. Forever is Forever. There is no end. So as these lovebirds live the rest of their lives I'll tell you how I would want mine to end. Yes it's make believe but it doesn't hurt to love a love story.
Heather is driving the car and I'm in the passenger seat and it's the end of the world. We know we have no tomorrow. I look at her she looks at me we are holding hands say what will be our last words " i love you " and there is no next move.

Life would be so different without your partner. Try not to think about it just live life as if it were your last day loving.

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