We take things for granted and we don't know how lucky we are for the simple things in life.
I wake up every day at four in the morning by my lovely neighbor who wakes up to make her husband lunch for work. Her bright kitchen light shines in. I can see that.
I head on the road while it's still dark towards work and wonder about all that are still in their nice warm beds. I can see the street lights.
I am at work sick wondering how I need to make my money to support myself and my family and wonder why all these other people are up so early. I can see them rushing to start their day.
Through out the day I hear people complain about one thing or another. I can see that through their facial expressions.
I walk into the ladies restroom and notice how a lady would even leave it looking the way they do. I can see the mess they left behind
It doesn't dawn on me that after seeing all that I have so far I'm still lucky to see it.
A woman comes in with two little girls. The two small children are between nine and twelve years old. She walks with one on each side. One daughter won't let go of her mother's hand. The other just listens without missing a word. The woman needs help filling out her paper work. She feels her girls are too young to help. She is loosing her sight. We help her. I look at the girls and feel sadness because they are now going to grow up so fast and won't be able to live a regular kid's life. By the age of thirteen they will be adults. Those two girls love her, their mom. They are too young to understand how life will be from now on but they will cope. As they left us, the mother asked for extra help and the oldest girl got upset "mom I can do it for you". She is already being a strong little girl. She won't get to physically see her babies get older only they will see their mom grow grays.
I am thankful for my sight. I may get irritated at times with my glasses but I am still thankful for my everyday small images that these four eyes capture.
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