Tuesday, July 3, 2012

beer and bones: space cadets

You think beer and bones and say, What? My sister Monica told me about beer and bones then sent me the info. Beer and bones is what the Museum of Nature and Science here in Dallas has come up with to make it more fun for adults June 21, 2012. It's after the museum closes from 7:00 and goes on till 10:00pm. This was there second event. They are going to make it a usual. It's for adults 18 and over.
Why beer and bones let me go into detail. You get to drink while inside the museum. Yes adult beverages at a museum. Who does this?  You get to do the beer part while looking at the bones (the current exhibit) when do they not have bones scattered and organized at the museum. What makes it fun is you get to participate with adults. Experience what kids get to experience when they go to the museum. Have you gone to a museum and felt silly trying to play the games that the kids play but everyone sees you and looks at you crazy for thinking that you can play too? On this night it's totally opposite.
space food
Grown adults if you want to call them adults get to play. They have a DJ playing some music to fit the theme. They have snacks and a cash bar for the beverages. We saw some interesting characters in costume. We got to make our own LED lights, try space food, made constellations, and saw the constellations in a big portable universe planetarium. We also got to see their current shark exhibit. All us adults were being big kids.
inside the portable planetarium
 It was fun I had my own teacher heather. As I looked and asked she had all my answers she could work there. As the person was filling our minds with knowledge heather was saying it before her. I had my own genius. Since it was a shark exhibit they had the movie JAWS playing. Heather was surprised I hadn't seen it yet. I had to repeat it so I'm repeating it again. No, I have not seen the movie JAWS.
We didn't know about the first one but heard it was such a hit that they are going to continue to have them. I can only tell you from my experience that yes we will be going to future ones. Who said kids are the only ones that can have this kind of fun.
Kid you not it was fun. At first I had my doubts but in the end I didn't want it to end. The next beer and bones was for September 2012 but has been canceled.
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e-newsletter list. to see when they will have their next beer and bones.
shark fins that were confiscated in New Zealand
and the pacific islands from fisherman supplying the fin trade
My sister treated us to this and we were so happy that she made our experience a great one.
I now understand why when you take the little ones to the Museum of Nature and Science they don't want to leave.

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