Monday, April 29, 2013

national honesty day

I came upon this national day. Who would have thought it was even national. April 30, 2013 is National Honesty Day. Never heard of such a celebration. I decided to celebrate it. Honesty? What is honesty? We all lie. No one is innocent of this. Some are just more honest than others but no one is a true honest person. If you look up honesty in Wikipedia it will state this : Honesty means being truthful, trustworthy, loyal, fair and sincere. Honesty also means straightforward conduct.
April 30, 2013

I try my best to be this person. If you ask me a question it will most likely be truthful. You see I have no problem telling you something you don't want to hear. I don't dance around the question. I'm not the one that cares if you get your feelings hurt. Why string you along knowing it's not right. People don't like to ask me something directly because they may not like what I will say so instead they bring up a subject to get my opinion before they make their decision. I used to be loyal. With today's society that is slowly vanishing. I was known as ask Gabriela she will surely do it. Ask Gabriela she will be there. Well when loyalty doesn't get  payed back it doesn't work. I am a fair person. I treat every one fairly. I'm not the type that stops being your friend just because someone else shuns you. You have to personally do me wrong before I stop being your friend.  Sincere...what is that really? As you get older you realize some things do not matter anymore and you realize sincere is no longer in any person's vocabulary. Sincere is mostly a word tossed around in grade school before we realize people are not sincere.  I've  been known by a few that I'm a melodramatic person. Yes all the little things in life I turn them into big emotions. When you see straight forward conduct from me that is really what it is.  I am frank.  No sugar coating.  If you ask me if I like your haircut I am honest.  If you ask me if I like you I am honest.  People sometimes think I'm joking when I tell them something they don't want to hear.  No I do not like your haircut or no I do not like you.

Honesty, so do I have it? No. Do you have it? Probably not. But if you have checked all of the above WOW more power to you.

So how will I celebrate National Honesty Day? No different from any other day. The only thing that I can get from this day is that this is probably the only day that you can ask one other person a question and you can expect an honest answer. That if you are not an honest person April 30, 2013 is the day to come start over.

So with this said if you want to ask me an honest question, email me or message me and I will give you an honest answer. Help me help you celebrate National Honesty Day.

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