Everyone pretty much knows what goes on at a Superbowl watch party. Besides the women yelling and men crying there is food and alcohol, a lot of it. It's actually better than a birthday party. Everyone that drinks will bring a six or twenty four pack if not that, they will bring a side. Who does this at a birthday party I mean do you contribute? I have worked every Superbowl Sunday for as long as I can remember. I get people that are just anxious an talk about it at work. I'll be helping someone and you can just see it in their face" who are you going for?" "where are you watching the game?" It's almost a disappointment that look on their face when I tell them that I don't watch football. Believe it. This person won't do it. Yes I support school football since I have brothers that played in school but no pro football for me. Maybe it's the making millions to just run a ball across the field and showboat about it just doesn't catch my attention.
new picks for this years party are : mang-o-rita, pico de gallo lays, and silver linings from the redbox |
What we started doing was celebrate this particular Sunday in our own little way. We get all the fixens like pizza, chips and dip, hot wings, and lets not forget a little adult beverage drinking going on. Instead of watching what everyone would normally watch we get a girly movie. We pick a new movie to watch and make it a real chic flick and we make it an Anti Superbowl party.
Now don't get me wrong if you watch the Superbowl that's just as fine. Someone has to watch it. Someone has to help those boys make those millions. Who is to say you won't make some money gambling today.
It's just not my thing and am glad to have my significant other enjoy the same things I do for if not tonight I might have been supporting her in bringing a side and a six pack to a Superbowl party.
May the best team win while we enjoy our little party.
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