Saturday, June 23, 2012

dallas summer solstice

What is summer solstice?
The solstice occurs twice in each circuit of the earth around the sun. A circuit of the sun is how we define a year, so there are two solstices a year, winter and summer. This is new to me as well so don't feel bad. Heather knew so she said to me let's celebrate the summer solstice this year. "um what?" i said. It's a celebration to celebrate summer. This year summer would be on a Wednesday. It would be the longest day ever. I remember that it was nine o'clock pm and the sun was barely leaving our sight. Crazy right, how the universe works.
heather making spin (literaly) art
We like to celebrate anything if there is a reason, if not we make one up. Our plans were to just go outside grab some cold ones and watch the sun go down. I don't know how I came upon this celebration but found out that in Dallas there was going to be a special engagement to gather with others to celebrate such an occasion. I told heather if we should give it a try and we went. It was an indoor celebration which was nice and cool ironic really for celebrating summer. We saw stilt walkers, samba dancers, heard African drums and made spin art. Everyone got involved and it was all to announce a huge parade for next summer. The first ever parade in Dallas down deep ellum to celebrate summer solstice 2013. Guys be ready it is going to be pretty cool. Every one was friendly. I just have to say that we will be preparing ourselves for next year. We will be working with this all year to make it one of the first best ever summer solstice 2013 parade.

As I was reading my Dallas Morning News I found how beautifully others celebrated the beginning of the summer solstice.
In Bolivia this Thursday Amara Natives celebrated by raising their hands at sunrise to celebrate the sun's first rays.
In Pennsylvania Ken"ironfist" Hayden performed a pipe ceremony to honor the presence of the creator.

Some have taken this very seriously as we end the year to possibly not see another summer solstice. December 21,2012 the Mayan Calendar ends. So be it what it may enjoy this summer, because if we do get to enjoy another summer it will only get hotter.

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