Wednesday, June 13, 2012

sun necklace

Went on our trip to Missouri last year and for the first time was able to explore aunt pats house. Aunt Pat is Heathers aunt from her mami's side. Loved the setup of her house inside and out. She also loves and has an artistic view. Toured her outdoors and fell in love with a moon that hung from a tree.

The tree was so big that it looked like if it had a necklace. I told heather that one day I hope to have a moon hanging from our tree. We looked and searched here and there could not find something fitting. It took us fifteen months and we finally found what we were looking for. We found a sun. I'm going to go ahead and say it, it's the sun to her moon. She is no longer with us but every time I see our sun it will remind me that because of her, her moon was what motivated us to find our sun. Our tree now has a sun necklace, literally a chain is wrapped around our tree and in the middle hangs the sun.

Who knows maybe as the months, years go by our tree might gather more dangling treasures.

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