Well friends we have made it another year. I'm ready for the new one. If you are reading this thank you for taking the time to do so. Didn't get a lot of writing done this year but next year plan on doing some more, if you can take my silly writing.
A lot happened this year people got older some of us didn't make it. We lost someone we worked with due to cancer she was a fighter. She would say, pray for me I'm not ready. But God was ready for her. Another family friend got diagnosed with bone cancer just before Christmas this year. Let me just say cancer is a bitch. If you think about all the good and all the bad that happened in the world this year I'd have to say that the bad won. The bombings that took place in Boston to the tsunami that took place in Thailand. The tornadoes that hit Oklahoma and Texas to the hurricane that hit Mexico. People in Russia are being beaten for who they are. A&E network fired one of their characters and the list goes on. So much devastation no one is ever prepared.
When I think about the bad I have to say that I am one lucky person. I still have my family, still have my health, still have the love of my life. I get giggly inside when I encounter a sugar free desert. I take all the small good things that happen and blow it out of proportion to celebrate. For example when Heather was an illegal immigrant for about a month when the ordeal was over I celebrated it with wine. When the car kept going back to the mechanic over the inspection not passing I finally jumped with joy that it got its sticker on its windshield. See what I mean little victories are the best.
Did I mention that when DOMA died I cried, but cried from victory.
The year 2013 was good to us. Did a lot of tastings this year some where new like wine tastings in cedar springs, cheese tastings, beer tastings, candy tastings, coffee tastings......anything tasting is good. For 2014 I plan on doing soda tastings wonder how that will work. One thing I enjoyed doing this year was photo scavenger hunts. Found out that they are so much fun. Don't believe me try one. Maybe it's a plus for me since I take photos of anything. Randomness was the best this year. Example; waking up and grabbing breakfast tacos and going to the bookstore patio and eating them. We are fools I know.
All I can tell you from experience is that if I died today I can say that I have lived my life to the fullest. I don't have any regrets. I pretty much do anything I want just can't afford the big things but that is not ruining my groove at all. Ask yourself that question "have you lived to the fullest?" don't question what the heart wants just do it.
Please, please don't start the new year exercising. I mean how many of you actually kept last years resolution. Instead start something else. Be kind to one another the world is only here for us to live it. Next year will be better than this one we can only look forward with last years memories not regrets.
When midnight hits a flash of memories will start popping in your brain. You may feel sad, you may feel happy, it's okay to cry. When you sum up in one minute what the year was like take all the bad that happened and embrace it, it has made you stronger. Take all the good and be thankful. If you look to the left and look to the right and that person that was there is no longer there you will be okay things happen for a reason. People change you, I know they have me. So I may be on your right I may be on your left but if I'm not there at all well think about it, what happened this year.
I'll leave now before I start on my rants. But want to leave you with this.....are you wearing your red undies?
Cheers to you my friends and may 2014 be wonderful.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
money talks
We live in a country where we have the capability to say whatever we want. Yes "Freedom of Speech" or do we really?
I don't live my life this way by choice, I live my life because that's just who I am. When I talk about myself I talk about me and the people in my life. I can't speak for everyone else. I can not and will not be categorized in a group to be miss interpreted or hated. Earlier this week a famous superstar mentioned that being gay leads to bestiality, but let me ask you this...REALLY?! In the past, from my hearing not seeing, have I only heard of straight people having this type of conduct. Never had I heard this about an LGBT person, but I might be wrong. He also mention a racist comment but I am assuming no one caught that because everyone who cared was only the LGBT community. I hate to say that I am labeled in a category that shouldn't even matter to this man. The way I live should not ever be important to a public figure, especially a superstar, unless he pays me to live the life I live. Just in case you don't know who I am speaking of it's Phil from the now more famous show Duck Dynasty. If it wasn't that popular it is now.
The thing is that I don't hate him nor do I feel offended by what he said. I can't blame a man that was taught to think this way. You can't get mad at ignorance, just brush it off and continue with the next person that feels this way. People will always find a way to make your life somehow their business. If I happen to be somewhere and the show is on I'm not going to change it. You can't blame his family for him thinking the way he does, but you do have to think about the fact that if he said it then his family grew up with this in their life. You can not grow up in a christian home with your father raising you with his ideas on the rest of the world, and not share some of those views. Just not possible.
He was fired from the show and that's when everyone that supported him got mad.
Let me explain why this was the only correct thing to do when your boss fires you from running your mouth.
I'm going to put myself in a similar situation so that we can understand how this should have not been a surprise.
I'm at work at a regular J O B I start running my mouth but I shouldn't because I never know who will hear me. I say some inappropriate words and go ahead and make racial slurs. Someone goes back and tells my manager what I said while someone else I work with gets offended. What do you think will happen next? I will have to sit down with my manager and he will ask to confirm what I said and if it's true do you think he will spank my hand? No. He will have no choice but to fire me.
The difference here is that I am a nobody that got fired, and here he is, a superstar making bank that got fired. So what is the big idea? Is it because he has money? Yes.
"Freedom of Speech" is a strong phrase. We all have it. It's constitutional, but can we get away with it? Depends on who you are...
As a person, you cannot fix hate with hate. You, my friend, really don't have freedom to say whatever it is that comes to mind because there will be consequences. There will not be half a nation backing your words, backing YOUR "Freedom of Speech".
The thing that made me feel a little sadness in my heart was that fact that I saw friends and family say they stand with Phil. They see the life of a christian man that believes he, like others, can pick and choose what parts of the "good book" to follow, and what parts to overlook. I do believe in God, and love Him wholly. No MAN can tell me that just by following what God created in my soul...me being LGBT...that I will NOT get to Heaven! But I guess I can't blame these friends amd family.. They fell in love with the Reality TV star that gets paid to be just that, a star, not the real man he is.
So please if you are that upset that a superstar got fired for saying what you and I would have gotten fired for, then you are living in the fantasy world. Reality TV is not ever really Reality TV.
By the way don't worry no animals were hurt in the making of this blog by a member of the LGBT community.
I don't live my life this way by choice, I live my life because that's just who I am. When I talk about myself I talk about me and the people in my life. I can't speak for everyone else. I can not and will not be categorized in a group to be miss interpreted or hated. Earlier this week a famous superstar mentioned that being gay leads to bestiality, but let me ask you this...REALLY?! In the past, from my hearing not seeing, have I only heard of straight people having this type of conduct. Never had I heard this about an LGBT person, but I might be wrong. He also mention a racist comment but I am assuming no one caught that because everyone who cared was only the LGBT community. I hate to say that I am labeled in a category that shouldn't even matter to this man. The way I live should not ever be important to a public figure, especially a superstar, unless he pays me to live the life I live. Just in case you don't know who I am speaking of it's Phil from the now more famous show Duck Dynasty. If it wasn't that popular it is now.
The thing is that I don't hate him nor do I feel offended by what he said. I can't blame a man that was taught to think this way. You can't get mad at ignorance, just brush it off and continue with the next person that feels this way. People will always find a way to make your life somehow their business. If I happen to be somewhere and the show is on I'm not going to change it. You can't blame his family for him thinking the way he does, but you do have to think about the fact that if he said it then his family grew up with this in their life. You can not grow up in a christian home with your father raising you with his ideas on the rest of the world, and not share some of those views. Just not possible.
He was fired from the show and that's when everyone that supported him got mad.
Let me explain why this was the only correct thing to do when your boss fires you from running your mouth.
I'm going to put myself in a similar situation so that we can understand how this should have not been a surprise.
I'm at work at a regular J O B I start running my mouth but I shouldn't because I never know who will hear me. I say some inappropriate words and go ahead and make racial slurs. Someone goes back and tells my manager what I said while someone else I work with gets offended. What do you think will happen next? I will have to sit down with my manager and he will ask to confirm what I said and if it's true do you think he will spank my hand? No. He will have no choice but to fire me.
The difference here is that I am a nobody that got fired, and here he is, a superstar making bank that got fired. So what is the big idea? Is it because he has money? Yes.
"Freedom of Speech" is a strong phrase. We all have it. It's constitutional, but can we get away with it? Depends on who you are...
As a person, you cannot fix hate with hate. You, my friend, really don't have freedom to say whatever it is that comes to mind because there will be consequences. There will not be half a nation backing your words, backing YOUR "Freedom of Speech".
The thing that made me feel a little sadness in my heart was that fact that I saw friends and family say they stand with Phil. They see the life of a christian man that believes he, like others, can pick and choose what parts of the "good book" to follow, and what parts to overlook. I do believe in God, and love Him wholly. No MAN can tell me that just by following what God created in my soul...me being LGBT...that I will NOT get to Heaven! But I guess I can't blame these friends amd family.. They fell in love with the Reality TV star that gets paid to be just that, a star, not the real man he is.
So please if you are that upset that a superstar got fired for saying what you and I would have gotten fired for, then you are living in the fantasy world. Reality TV is not ever really Reality TV.
By the way don't worry no animals were hurt in the making of this blog by a member of the LGBT community.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
loosing sight
We take things for granted and we don't know how lucky we are for the simple things in life.
I wake up every day at four in the morning by my lovely neighbor who wakes up to make her husband lunch for work. Her bright kitchen light shines in. I can see that.
I head on the road while it's still dark towards work and wonder about all that are still in their nice warm beds. I can see the street lights.
I am at work sick wondering how I need to make my money to support myself and my family and wonder why all these other people are up so early. I can see them rushing to start their day.
Through out the day I hear people complain about one thing or another. I can see that through their facial expressions.
I walk into the ladies restroom and notice how a lady would even leave it looking the way they do. I can see the mess they left behind
It doesn't dawn on me that after seeing all that I have so far I'm still lucky to see it.
A woman comes in with two little girls. The two small children are between nine and twelve years old. She walks with one on each side. One daughter won't let go of her mother's hand. The other just listens without missing a word. The woman needs help filling out her paper work. She feels her girls are too young to help. She is loosing her sight. We help her. I look at the girls and feel sadness because they are now going to grow up so fast and won't be able to live a regular kid's life. By the age of thirteen they will be adults. Those two girls love her, their mom. They are too young to understand how life will be from now on but they will cope. As they left us, the mother asked for extra help and the oldest girl got upset "mom I can do it for you". She is already being a strong little girl. She won't get to physically see her babies get older only they will see their mom grow grays.
I am thankful for my sight. I may get irritated at times with my glasses but I am still thankful for my everyday small images that these four eyes capture.
I wake up every day at four in the morning by my lovely neighbor who wakes up to make her husband lunch for work. Her bright kitchen light shines in. I can see that.
I head on the road while it's still dark towards work and wonder about all that are still in their nice warm beds. I can see the street lights.
I am at work sick wondering how I need to make my money to support myself and my family and wonder why all these other people are up so early. I can see them rushing to start their day.
Through out the day I hear people complain about one thing or another. I can see that through their facial expressions.
I walk into the ladies restroom and notice how a lady would even leave it looking the way they do. I can see the mess they left behind
It doesn't dawn on me that after seeing all that I have so far I'm still lucky to see it.
A woman comes in with two little girls. The two small children are between nine and twelve years old. She walks with one on each side. One daughter won't let go of her mother's hand. The other just listens without missing a word. The woman needs help filling out her paper work. She feels her girls are too young to help. She is loosing her sight. We help her. I look at the girls and feel sadness because they are now going to grow up so fast and won't be able to live a regular kid's life. By the age of thirteen they will be adults. Those two girls love her, their mom. They are too young to understand how life will be from now on but they will cope. As they left us, the mother asked for extra help and the oldest girl got upset "mom I can do it for you". She is already being a strong little girl. She won't get to physically see her babies get older only they will see their mom grow grays.
I am thankful for my sight. I may get irritated at times with my glasses but I am still thankful for my everyday small images that these four eyes capture.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Giving Thanks and Popping Tags
Another year to say thank you on this day of giving thanks. We need a reminder to eat turkey and talk about prices on sales to remind us of, o wait its Thanksgiving Day. This year businesses every where are taking that joy of being with family by cutting it short to hurry to the stores to spend that money that we don't really have so we will be returning half of what we really rushed to get for anyway. What is the real meaning of Thanksgiving? I mean you spend time with family in the summers and barbeque. You gather at someones birthday party to celebrate another year of thanking they are still with us. If you know the real meaning of giving thanks then you my friend are one lucky person.
During the year we forget to be thankful for the things that we already receive or the events that take place that make it worth our while that we are apart of.
I am thankful every day for many blessings in my life whether they are small or big they all count.
I am thankful to know that there is a doctor that diagnosed my father correctly and because of it his kidneys are not failing and that he knows I am always going to be there.
I am thankful to know that I still have my mother, we got a scare when we found out we could have lost her but she is gaining some pounds back and that I can make her not smile but laugh.
I am thankful for my sisters and to know that as we get older they don't need me like when they were younger, that makes them strong and independent women.
I am thankful for my nieces and nephews that make me wonder if I as a kid ever acted the way they do, young smart little adults.
I am thankful for my second family that is in my life that accepted me when I began my journey with my loving partner. Somehow they always know the moment I'm about to cry or pull a face gesture.
I am thankful of the new friends I've made this year and to know that I have not lost any due to health.
I am thankful that I have a job even if it is at a nutt house.
This year I realized how thankful I am for just having water.
I am thankful for my enemies to know that I am still here fighting this battle.
I am thankful for all the new things I learned this year to all the bad ones.
I am thankful that even thought mother earth is highly upset people still gather to help one another.
I am thankful for my loving partner to whom I owe many, many thankful moments in my life, from coffee runs to day trips to just making me feel special.
A friend once wrote "I'm loving the skin I'm in"
I am actually thankful "I'm loving the skin I'm in"
When you gather and have your giving thanks dinner do you take a few minutes to really say what you are thankful for? Do you really tell that person that is sharing the table how much you thank them for being in your life? Think about it for a second.....give thanks that you still share another American way of celebrating eating that turkey and popping tags at the store.
During the year we forget to be thankful for the things that we already receive or the events that take place that make it worth our while that we are apart of.
I am thankful every day for many blessings in my life whether they are small or big they all count.
I am thankful to know that there is a doctor that diagnosed my father correctly and because of it his kidneys are not failing and that he knows I am always going to be there.
I am thankful to know that I still have my mother, we got a scare when we found out we could have lost her but she is gaining some pounds back and that I can make her not smile but laugh.
I am thankful for my sisters and to know that as we get older they don't need me like when they were younger, that makes them strong and independent women.
I am thankful for my nieces and nephews that make me wonder if I as a kid ever acted the way they do, young smart little adults.
I am thankful for my second family that is in my life that accepted me when I began my journey with my loving partner. Somehow they always know the moment I'm about to cry or pull a face gesture.
I am thankful of the new friends I've made this year and to know that I have not lost any due to health.
I am thankful that I have a job even if it is at a nutt house.
This year I realized how thankful I am for just having water.
I am thankful for my enemies to know that I am still here fighting this battle.
I am thankful for all the new things I learned this year to all the bad ones.
I am thankful that even thought mother earth is highly upset people still gather to help one another.
I am thankful for my loving partner to whom I owe many, many thankful moments in my life, from coffee runs to day trips to just making me feel special.
A friend once wrote "I'm loving the skin I'm in"
I am actually thankful "I'm loving the skin I'm in"
When you gather and have your giving thanks dinner do you take a few minutes to really say what you are thankful for? Do you really tell that person that is sharing the table how much you thank them for being in your life? Think about it for a second.....give thanks that you still share another American way of celebrating eating that turkey and popping tags at the store.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
twenty eight hours
Hi, Hello, friends it's been a little while. I have been thinking a lot lately and doing a lot lately my brain is about to explode with too much information, so I am going to slow down and start with this........
Was absent for a couple of days here, went to what seamed far far away. How many hours have you traveled while driving your vehicle to...let's say...a trip? Try twenty eight hours, for me. My family before me are from way down south. It used to take us two days to get there but now it takes us three days. The reason it takes us three days is because you, under any circumstance, cannot travel at night while in Mexico. Yup good ole Mexico. Love the culture don't really care for the people anymore. Let me explain, you see when you cross into Mexico and it's still night you have to wait until daylight to continue your journey for too many things can happen...two being you can get robbed or get killed. With us it is more like waiting to continue before a crooked cop pulls us over just for the hell of it. You follow all of the rules yet you still get pulled over just for having an American license plate. On the way back we got pulled over by several cops at one stop to try to take our vehicle away. Instead they decided to let us go if we would just give them a little money for dinner. (More like just paying them to leave us alone.) You probably ask why do I go, and why in a vehicle? My parents come from a small beautiful quiet town. Why deny where you come from? Why deny you the right to visit what you left behind? my parents married, built a house that now stays vacant, and we try to visit so that the spirit of the house doesn't get lonely. Haven't you seen how a vacant lonely house slowly deteriorates? Why do we like to go by vehicle rather than fly? You get to see the cities as you pass them by and stop, if need be, to learn from them.
Don't get me wrong, when I go I get scared like going to a place that if something was to happen how will anyone else know how to help or how to find you. That's why joining my parents makes me feel safer knowing they are okay. I pretend (without having powers) to be their body guard. The corrupt cop that stopped us when we were trying to come back to the states told us that it was good that my father was traveling with family, for if he were by himself, he would not have let him leave with his truck. Scary to know, what if? I just have to think that they can't control the situation. I've witnessed a lot in my life time and can honestly say I've lived experiences that some of you would have never thought possible. What scares me is that I'm only half way through the end of my days. If you ever get the opportunity to visit beautiful Mexico please do, but only with company. My life partner will be visiting soon. I want her to feel and live what and where my roots came from. I will be her bodyguard as well. Sometimes I think it will get better, but it doesn't. I am afraid sometimes of not wanting to go back, but can't let that stop me from visiting. Don't have family there that you can say I'd want to see but the atmosphere and the culture is what makes me think how I could never leave it all behind. I stop having fun trips whenever I visit Mexico. It seems like I always have to be on guard even in our beautiful tiny town. I have a trust issue with Mexico.
Crossing the border almost around six in the the evening, I saw a young women carrying a rolling suitcase and two Coleman water coolers. I point and tell my parents, "look they are walking that girl back into Mexico." I don't know what made her think she was going to be able to just live the American dream, but she felt she could. Two border patrol officers, one female and one male, walk her to the tip where she has to begin her walk on the bridge back into Mexico and they begin laughing. I get mad and upset...how dare they laugh! They laugh at this young lady now alone getting dark in Laredo Mex!! One place a young woman should never be. They laugh at her with such mockery when who are they, but Mexican themselves? Yes two Mexican (north)Americans laughing at another Mexican (central)American when all that divides them is one glowing light on the bridge that divides the continent. Think about it for a minute...what if Texas was owned by Mexico? Would they be laughing then? A divider separates those so close to that American dream. The border into the United States is the most dreaded stop on my trip...it is degrading the way they make us unload our entire truck so they can search all the nooks and crannies. Breaking the little tokens given to us by our Mexico families in their carelessness.
Was absent for a couple of days here, went to what seamed far far away. How many hours have you traveled while driving your vehicle to...let's say...a trip? Try twenty eight hours, for me. My family before me are from way down south. It used to take us two days to get there but now it takes us three days. The reason it takes us three days is because you, under any circumstance, cannot travel at night while in Mexico. Yup good ole Mexico. Love the culture don't really care for the people anymore. Let me explain, you see when you cross into Mexico and it's still night you have to wait until daylight to continue your journey for too many things can happen...two being you can get robbed or get killed. With us it is more like waiting to continue before a crooked cop pulls us over just for the hell of it. You follow all of the rules yet you still get pulled over just for having an American license plate. On the way back we got pulled over by several cops at one stop to try to take our vehicle away. Instead they decided to let us go if we would just give them a little money for dinner. (More like just paying them to leave us alone.) You probably ask why do I go, and why in a vehicle? My parents come from a small beautiful quiet town. Why deny where you come from? Why deny you the right to visit what you left behind? my parents married, built a house that now stays vacant, and we try to visit so that the spirit of the house doesn't get lonely. Haven't you seen how a vacant lonely house slowly deteriorates? Why do we like to go by vehicle rather than fly? You get to see the cities as you pass them by and stop, if need be, to learn from them.
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las grutas de cacahuamilpa guerrero |
Don't get me wrong, when I go I get scared like going to a place that if something was to happen how will anyone else know how to help or how to find you. That's why joining my parents makes me feel safer knowing they are okay. I pretend (without having powers) to be their body guard. The corrupt cop that stopped us when we were trying to come back to the states told us that it was good that my father was traveling with family, for if he were by himself, he would not have let him leave with his truck. Scary to know, what if? I just have to think that they can't control the situation. I've witnessed a lot in my life time and can honestly say I've lived experiences that some of you would have never thought possible. What scares me is that I'm only half way through the end of my days. If you ever get the opportunity to visit beautiful Mexico please do, but only with company. My life partner will be visiting soon. I want her to feel and live what and where my roots came from. I will be her bodyguard as well. Sometimes I think it will get better, but it doesn't. I am afraid sometimes of not wanting to go back, but can't let that stop me from visiting. Don't have family there that you can say I'd want to see but the atmosphere and the culture is what makes me think how I could never leave it all behind. I stop having fun trips whenever I visit Mexico. It seems like I always have to be on guard even in our beautiful tiny town. I have a trust issue with Mexico.
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Crossing the border almost around six in the the evening, I saw a young women carrying a rolling suitcase and two Coleman water coolers. I point and tell my parents, "look they are walking that girl back into Mexico." I don't know what made her think she was going to be able to just live the American dream, but she felt she could. Two border patrol officers, one female and one male, walk her to the tip where she has to begin her walk on the bridge back into Mexico and they begin laughing. I get mad and upset...how dare they laugh! They laugh at this young lady now alone getting dark in Laredo Mex!! One place a young woman should never be. They laugh at her with such mockery when who are they, but Mexican themselves? Yes two Mexican (north)Americans laughing at another Mexican (central)American when all that divides them is one glowing light on the bridge that divides the continent. Think about it for a minute...what if Texas was owned by Mexico? Would they be laughing then? A divider separates those so close to that American dream. The border into the United States is the most dreaded stop on my trip...it is degrading the way they make us unload our entire truck so they can search all the nooks and crannies. Breaking the little tokens given to us by our Mexico families in their carelessness.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
the spectacular now
Went to a pre screening of The Spectacular Now. The same creators of 500 Days of Summer wrote The Spectacular Now. It is not your typical love story. It does however end on a happy note. It's based on two teenagers bonding together while trying to meet their goals. Sutter Keely has issues and is trying to find his father. When he finally gets to him it's not what he expected. Turns out that even though he didn't grow up with him he was becoming a version of his father. It was time to change with the help of his girlfriend Aimee Finecky . Its considered a comedy which you will find certain things humorous but I find it to be more of a healing story, if such a thing exits. That should be a movie category. This movie gives you a sigh of peace. I didn't really see the love story I saw the coping and the "why things happen". I was lucky to grow up with both of my parents so I can only see this from an outsider's perspective. But knowing someone dear to me who grew up without both parents, this really hurts. You try not to get too attached with movie roles, or what they are trying to express on a surreal way of life, but it does happen. This, The Spectacular Now, will make you laugh, will make you feel the pain, might even bring back your own memories. There is a part that will make you gasp for air. You might need a tissue but whatever you do, don't get upset. If you decide to get upset change your way of life.
Got to sit next to an elderly lady while watching this movie. I kept wondering why she was by herself? I didn't get the chance to conversate with her. Had I gotten just a little bit earlier when the lights were still on I would have asked her why she was alone? You see, I had never been to the movies alone. I hear it's not that bad of an experience. I just can't seam to do it since I always want to talk about the movie with someone to see how they experienced it. Then I thought that maybe one day I'll be like her. I used to go to the movies with friends and my sisters a lot before Heather came along but now all I need is her. It never occurred to me that maybe one day I'll be that one elderly lady watching a movie at the theatre by myself. I am a movie buff so I could try waiting till it came out on whatever device that will be here in a couple of years, but why would I have to wait when I can see it in a 4D experience. I hear that the 4D experience is a must do, so to visit one would really be out of my way.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
a (bland) regular day
Well July is at it's last day. The month came and went. Quite hot but we knew it was coming. I am just glad its over. I've been asked if I had a drink for my birthday? What did I do?
On my actual birthday I did nothing special. I know it's not normal of me but I wanted to celebrate it as (bland) as possible. As I get a year older it doesn't really make it any better. I try to tell myself that yes I am wiser and have learned more this year but in actuality I'm more closer to my end years as my younger ones. It's depressing whoever tells you older is better well maybe they haven't lived. I look back on a whole year and see how many things could have happened but didn't happen and yet I am lucky to make it to another year. Twice in one week alone came close to me having an accident on the high way. I could have developed some crazy rabies from a dog bite. That cyst that bothers me every once in a while just waiting patiently to burst. See the older you get the more prone you are to realizing how close you are to your end years. Have you ever experience a moment in time where you said to yourself " just a few more seconds and that could have been me"?
It killed Heather to not make my special day an extra good one. I kept telling her nope. I wanted it to be like a regular day. She did make me my favorite breakfast item ( an egg sandwich) if you have not been able to try Heather's special egg sandwich then yes you should be jealous. It is a very delicious tasty sandwich. I didn't open any presents because like I mentioned you normally don't open presents on a regular day. We did however go to the movies, the dollar movies. Watched The Great Gatsby. It is a must watch, matter of fact we will be going back to watch it again very soon. Then had Chick-fil -a for a chicken lovers choice of food. Did you know that gay and lesbians work at Chick-fil -a? If you didn't know before now you know and they wont turn us away. If you haven't had a chicken sandwich from there I would have to say they are delicious. If you have had them and miss them then maybe you should give it another try. If you actually look at the picture that I have provided you with makes me wonder what makes them deliciously addicting when they look so (Bland)? Before heading home stopped by my parents. If you are, I'm going to say Mexican, and you live with lets say sixty miles from your parents it is a must to see them on your birthday. If not the whole "I brought you into this world on this day and I'm not going to see my baby" guilt trip will happen. Trust me. I had the whole three days off to celebrate my somewhat special day had plans to go to Houston. Some people don't like Houston but I think that it's because they don't know what they are really missing out on. I canceled everything. Didn't open gifts from my babies till the next day. Yes babies (Sadie, Bella, Gypsy, Addie, even Harvey, Pee Wee, and Pfeffernusse). Didn't actually go out to dinner with my loving extended family to Babe's Chicken till Sunday (which is another must you guys should try) but the most questionable question I've been asked is " what did I if any, drink for my birthday" ?
I have to actually be honest and say not anything at all. Even when I get the Gabriela look thrown back at me or the raise your eyebrows from disbelief will I say that for one celebration which was exactly purposefully planned to be (bland) will I tell you that this birthday will be the most memorable birthday ever. Got to spend it with my love, eat an egg sanwich, eat chicken, have a pina colada angel food birthday cake, watch a must buy movie, and had it alcoholic free.
Let me tell you that if you ever accomplish a (bland) birthday you will know that it is one of the hardest things to do. But I succeeded learned from it and will not do this next year.
On my actual birthday I did nothing special. I know it's not normal of me but I wanted to celebrate it as (bland) as possible. As I get a year older it doesn't really make it any better. I try to tell myself that yes I am wiser and have learned more this year but in actuality I'm more closer to my end years as my younger ones. It's depressing whoever tells you older is better well maybe they haven't lived. I look back on a whole year and see how many things could have happened but didn't happen and yet I am lucky to make it to another year. Twice in one week alone came close to me having an accident on the high way. I could have developed some crazy rabies from a dog bite. That cyst that bothers me every once in a while just waiting patiently to burst. See the older you get the more prone you are to realizing how close you are to your end years. Have you ever experience a moment in time where you said to yourself " just a few more seconds and that could have been me"?
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Heather's egg sandwich |
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chick-fil -a |
It killed Heather to not make my special day an extra good one. I kept telling her nope. I wanted it to be like a regular day. She did make me my favorite breakfast item ( an egg sandwich) if you have not been able to try Heather's special egg sandwich then yes you should be jealous. It is a very delicious tasty sandwich. I didn't open any presents because like I mentioned you normally don't open presents on a regular day. We did however go to the movies, the dollar movies. Watched The Great Gatsby. It is a must watch, matter of fact we will be going back to watch it again very soon. Then had Chick-fil -a for a chicken lovers choice of food. Did you know that gay and lesbians work at Chick-fil -a? If you didn't know before now you know and they wont turn us away. If you haven't had a chicken sandwich from there I would have to say they are delicious. If you have had them and miss them then maybe you should give it another try. If you actually look at the picture that I have provided you with makes me wonder what makes them deliciously addicting when they look so (Bland)? Before heading home stopped by my parents. If you are, I'm going to say Mexican, and you live with lets say sixty miles from your parents it is a must to see them on your birthday. If not the whole "I brought you into this world on this day and I'm not going to see my baby" guilt trip will happen. Trust me. I had the whole three days off to celebrate my somewhat special day had plans to go to Houston. Some people don't like Houston but I think that it's because they don't know what they are really missing out on. I canceled everything. Didn't open gifts from my babies till the next day. Yes babies (Sadie, Bella, Gypsy, Addie, even Harvey, Pee Wee, and Pfeffernusse). Didn't actually go out to dinner with my loving extended family to Babe's Chicken till Sunday (which is another must you guys should try) but the most questionable question I've been asked is " what did I if any, drink for my birthday" ?
pina colada angel food cake |
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pina colada angel food cake |
I have to actually be honest and say not anything at all. Even when I get the Gabriela look thrown back at me or the raise your eyebrows from disbelief will I say that for one celebration which was exactly purposefully planned to be (bland) will I tell you that this birthday will be the most memorable birthday ever. Got to spend it with my love, eat an egg sanwich, eat chicken, have a pina colada angel food birthday cake, watch a must buy movie, and had it alcoholic free.
Let me tell you that if you ever accomplish a (bland) birthday you will know that it is one of the hardest things to do. But I succeeded learned from it and will not do this next year.
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i am old |
Friday, July 19, 2013
Sharing a story with you. I encounter all kinds of people on a daily basis. Some crazier than others. I try my best to be nice to the elders because my parents fall in that category and well I want them to get treated with respect. Conversation, how does it end the way it does? You start talking about something which leads to something else and forget what the original question was. I don't remember how a conversation with an elder started today but I do remember how it ended.
She tells me that she feels as though her house is haunted. I told her that I wouldn't doubt it. Things keep being out of place. Like someone is playing tricks on her. I joked and said they are having harmless fun. She laughed and said that he was playing tricks on her and that she tells him to stop. I asked her how she knew it was a him and had it been for a long time. She told me that it started a couple of months ago. Her son in law a trickster married her daughter and was always playing tricks on her. He would pretend to trip her while she would be sweeping the floor and she would find herself hitting his butt with the broom. He went to the doctor October of last year and was diagnosed with cancer. I didn't want to ask what kind and she didn't tell me. I could tell it was hard for her to tell me since I could see she was fighting tears from her eyes. They didn't know how it had taken over his body so quickly and he didn't make it pass January this year. He was 30 years old. I hardly hear about the bond that mother n laws have with their son n laws but you could tell that she missed him.
What a young age to lose a new member to the family. She said " it's strange how all the good people leave us" and smiled. She told me that she has another son n law that is a real butt.
She told me that she heard that they leave when they are reincarnated to finish what they hadn't finished in their past life. To comfort her I told her if you think about it the good ones leave because as the world keeps moving forward the worse it becomes so they are spared from seeing it go to such waste. She told me she still talks to him so I told her there was no harm in it. It's just his way of saying he is still here.
I don't know what I said or did for her to share this story with me. Be kind to your elders they have seen so much more than us.
Sometimes when you least expect it a loved one will come by and say hi the only way they can.
You wonder how can someone that has left this place come back to try to relate a small message or gesture? At least I wondered that when it happened to me.
She tells me that she feels as though her house is haunted. I told her that I wouldn't doubt it. Things keep being out of place. Like someone is playing tricks on her. I joked and said they are having harmless fun. She laughed and said that he was playing tricks on her and that she tells him to stop. I asked her how she knew it was a him and had it been for a long time. She told me that it started a couple of months ago. Her son in law a trickster married her daughter and was always playing tricks on her. He would pretend to trip her while she would be sweeping the floor and she would find herself hitting his butt with the broom. He went to the doctor October of last year and was diagnosed with cancer. I didn't want to ask what kind and she didn't tell me. I could tell it was hard for her to tell me since I could see she was fighting tears from her eyes. They didn't know how it had taken over his body so quickly and he didn't make it pass January this year. He was 30 years old. I hardly hear about the bond that mother n laws have with their son n laws but you could tell that she missed him.
What a young age to lose a new member to the family. She said " it's strange how all the good people leave us" and smiled. She told me that she has another son n law that is a real butt.
She told me that she heard that they leave when they are reincarnated to finish what they hadn't finished in their past life. To comfort her I told her if you think about it the good ones leave because as the world keeps moving forward the worse it becomes so they are spared from seeing it go to such waste. She told me she still talks to him so I told her there was no harm in it. It's just his way of saying he is still here.
I don't know what I said or did for her to share this story with me. Be kind to your elders they have seen so much more than us.
Sometimes when you least expect it a loved one will come by and say hi the only way they can.
You wonder how can someone that has left this place come back to try to relate a small message or gesture? At least I wondered that when it happened to me.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
two dinosaurs
I'm taking pictures of my special about to be one year old niece. My nephew brings his coloring book sits next to Heather while we are conducting a photo shoot. He sits there making conversation with Heather tells her how he loves dinosaurs, starts to name them. Tells her what he has seen and how he reacts when he is being chased by a T-Rex. After the photo session he hands me a colored paper. Of course no mater what it is I say it is the best thing I have ever seen. He whispers to tell her "see i told you she would like it". The gesture alone is wonderful. He also colors one for Heather. When we are finished and are coming home Heather tells me that he said one is me and one is her. The thought of this colored page being the best thing I ever saw has now even brought me happy tears.
I sometimes wonder if they know the relationship Heather and I have. It never crossed my mind to actually think about what would happen if they ever asked us. When I met Heather her siblings were very young it also never occurred to me to have that question asked by them. Thinking about it now, will I be prepared? The little ones in my family just know that we live together that for as long as they have lived they have known both of us. When family gathers they know that all my sisters have their partners and that Heather is mine. That just proves fact that if you teach your children hate that is what they learn. They love us for us. I'm hoping all they see is love. He is only five years old. His mind is pure. He knows only love.
What is wrong with the world?
I sometimes wonder if they know the relationship Heather and I have. It never crossed my mind to actually think about what would happen if they ever asked us. When I met Heather her siblings were very young it also never occurred to me to have that question asked by them. Thinking about it now, will I be prepared? The little ones in my family just know that we live together that for as long as they have lived they have known both of us. When family gathers they know that all my sisters have their partners and that Heather is mine. That just proves fact that if you teach your children hate that is what they learn. They love us for us. I'm hoping all they see is love. He is only five years old. His mind is pure. He knows only love.
What is wrong with the world?
Monday, June 24, 2013
The Heat is coming out this Friday June 28, 2013 not the basket ball team but the movie starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Got the opportunity to see it at the LOOK cinemas this past week in Dallas.
It was hilarious some of the things that come out of Melissa's mouth are just so freaking funny. Love her and due to the partnering with Sandra they have become such good friends.
One of the funny quotes from the movie is when Melissa says that coffee filters serve as a dual purpose. They couldn't have picked two other than them to play these roles.
Before we got to see the movie they had a line up back drop to have photos taken. The best mugshot won a prize. We didn't get the opportunity to take the photo so I made my own backdrop. You will see here a mugshot photo of me. I am smiling. Who smiles in one? Well I figured if I ever get arrested it will probably be for something I believe in. I might have to step into a bully scenario and try to defend that person or try to fight for a cause. I've seen plenty mugshot photos when watching Tru TV or Snapped. So if my photo ever got blasted I'd want it to look descent so yes this is why I'm smiling.
If you can come up with your own unique mugshot I'd love to see it but if you actually had one already well I hope that you got arrested doing a good deed.
It was hilarious some of the things that come out of Melissa's mouth are just so freaking funny. Love her and due to the partnering with Sandra they have become such good friends.
One of the funny quotes from the movie is when Melissa says that coffee filters serve as a dual purpose. They couldn't have picked two other than them to play these roles.
Before we got to see the movie they had a line up back drop to have photos taken. The best mugshot won a prize. We didn't get the opportunity to take the photo so I made my own backdrop. You will see here a mugshot photo of me. I am smiling. Who smiles in one? Well I figured if I ever get arrested it will probably be for something I believe in. I might have to step into a bully scenario and try to defend that person or try to fight for a cause. I've seen plenty mugshot photos when watching Tru TV or Snapped. So if my photo ever got blasted I'd want it to look descent so yes this is why I'm smiling.
(busted) |
If you can come up with your own unique mugshot I'd love to see it but if you actually had one already well I hope that you got arrested doing a good deed.
i actually would probably be a little worried but meanwhile I"d say (had to be me) |
Saturday, June 22, 2013
one cent celebration
This Thursday we were celebrating CCGLA's ten years old. Didn't even know was such a thing. Their celebration was to be at Henry's Tavern in Plano. Friend Taylor won a raffle ticket, a free ticket to the August 17th Party on Lake Lewisville (a $45 value). Its purpose was to serve as the Coming Out Party for Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GALA) North Texas. They have merged CCGLA with the North Texas Equality Foundation (CCGLA's tax deductible educational foundation) to form GALA NTx.
To our advantage we found out that Henry's Tavern had just opened and to celebrate they were promoting all their beers for one cent. Yes you heard one penny. We didn't know how true this was but we were still going to celebrate. We were told to tell the guy at the door that we were there for a private party. We actually didn't know how that was going to work out. You see when we arrived there was a line that curved like a snake trying to be patient waiting to get in. Like when you go to Cheddar's and have to wait forever to get a seat...but worse. We didn't know if we had to wait in this long long line. So I went up to the guy at the door and told him we were here for the private GALA party. He said welcome and let us in. Felt for a few seconds like royalty in my t-shirt and jeans. Once inside, they walked us to a room booked for the occasion. Everyone was friendly and welcomed us. We finally got a beer and while on my second one I asked, "Are these really a penny?!" The answer was YES! We didn't drink a lot but we did have to have a small tasting of beers. I'm not a beer lover but couldn't pass this up. My favorite was Framboise Ale so delicious I strongly recommend it.
It was a fun night enjoyed the company of friends. We were there celebrating two things, the coming out of GALA and the one cent beers.
But wait there is more it actually ends tomorrow June 23 2013. So gather yourself a group of friends drive to plano and check out Henry's Tavern and make yourself a believer. When have you ever heard of buying a beer for one penny? Exactly!
So with this said...Happy Ten Years to CCGLA and welcome GALA, cheers.
It was a fun night enjoyed the company of friends. We were there celebrating two things, the coming out of GALA and the one cent beers.
But wait there is more it actually ends tomorrow June 23 2013. So gather yourself a group of friends drive to plano and check out Henry's Tavern and make yourself a believer. When have you ever heard of buying a beer for one penny? Exactly!
So with this said...Happy Ten Years to CCGLA and welcome GALA, cheers.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
friends you say?
Someone at my work doesn't believe in friends. But when I cry she cries, when I get mad she also gets mad, when I'm feeling down she is feeling down, when I am happy she is happy. I think she might be closer than a friend. I don't blame her for not believing. Friends are rare, almost extinct.
Keep your (friends) close and that whole thing about your enemies closer is just bad advice. Like I want my enemy looking at me all the time. The farther the better. I have trust issues.
The person I work with doesn't believe in friends. She is just one year older than me. That should tell you she is pretty young ;) When she was out of the country her daughter went into unexpected labor. She messaged me and we were there in her place. When my dad got seriously hurt back in 2011 she cried with me. She still to this day asks about him. When people call her racist I step in and defend her. When people tell me to go cross the border again, she stands her ground right next to me.
Its hard to find people like her. They are hard to find. She is one of a kind. I think I just rhymed.
We may live different lives but one thing that keeps us close is that we are women in today's world trying to live daily lives without all the bad stuff that tries to bring us down. She holds a special place in my heart if I ever loose touch I hope she is there to remind me that I'm not her friend just someone she knows. Because friends don't exist, because if they did it wouldn't be this good of a friendship.
Wouldn't want to jinx it.
Keep your (friends) close and that whole thing about your enemies closer is just bad advice. Like I want my enemy looking at me all the time. The farther the better. I have trust issues.
The person I work with doesn't believe in friends. She is just one year older than me. That should tell you she is pretty young ;) When she was out of the country her daughter went into unexpected labor. She messaged me and we were there in her place. When my dad got seriously hurt back in 2011 she cried with me. She still to this day asks about him. When people call her racist I step in and defend her. When people tell me to go cross the border again, she stands her ground right next to me.
Its hard to find people like her. They are hard to find. She is one of a kind. I think I just rhymed.
We may live different lives but one thing that keeps us close is that we are women in today's world trying to live daily lives without all the bad stuff that tries to bring us down. She holds a special place in my heart if I ever loose touch I hope she is there to remind me that I'm not her friend just someone she knows. Because friends don't exist, because if they did it wouldn't be this good of a friendship.
Wouldn't want to jinx it.
Friday, May 24, 2013
branded by hate
Branded by hate? Have you ever felt the need to be angry when you are branded by such hate that you think and wonder what satisfaction one gets out of branding you?
Born in Dallas grew up downtown Dallas on McKinney Streets before we had to leave to make room for those fancy uptown restaurants and office buildings. Moved to Oak Cliff when I was in the middle of first grade. In my class room there were two Hispanics, myself and another. Well really I was the true little Mexican girl in that class. I am the oldest of four girls. I didn't grow up on Sesame Street. English was my second language. My parents would pay our neighbor to help me with my homework. So the first years of school were hard. Imagine a first grader in class wanting to go to the restroom and the teacher refused to let her go just because she couldn't say it in English. I was stuck in a class room were everyone else spoke English but me. I remember at recess no one was allowed to play with me. Yeah because I didn't know English. My teacher really liked me. She sure liked to only use that ruler at my desk. She would put me on the spot and ridicule me saying I had no father. I didn't realize till later that she was wrong. But I managed. I pulled myself through with a scar of hatred locked inside of my heart. It stays dormant. I never forget how hard it was, how hard it must have been for my parents to see me struggle. I graduated high school took college but just never really seamed to finish, maybe one day.
I deal with thieves at work on a daily basis. They think that they are outsmarting me. I get mad at myself for allowing me to just stand there and take it but that is my job. Job something you don't like to do but it pays the bills. I gave up a great job once but that is the past. One day last year a white man got upset with me and said I belonged mopping the floors. I stopped what I was doing looked him in the face and said "Did I hear correct, did you just make a racial comment." He tried taking it back but it was too late. He should have not said it at all. I was so mad I went to the restroom to cry. I cried out of anger. I blamed my self for allowing him to say things like that to me. At work I have to just take it can't retaliate. Time passed then one day last month a black man that claims owns a restaurant got so mad at me he said that I probably have a green card because that is the only kind of people that work where I work. I couldn't believe that him being a business owner could say such a thing. When he noticed that I didn't get upset he went on to say that I am probably illegal and that I need to stick with my kind. This time I only got ridiculously mad. Yesterday was more of how dare you. An African woman with a passport not from the U.S. told me that I needed to cross back to the other side of the border. I said "Really, are you saying this to me?" " Wow." I still get upset, I get mad. What gives you the right to brand me to talk about my skin color? Who are you to say I don't belong here?
What makes a person go off and say something so racially hateful. I feel like it will become a routine to brand me so eventually it will not get to me, or at least that is what I will tell myself.
People get mad and say things that I don't know if they realize what they have said. How does someone say something and not realize that someone like me can just snap? I can deal with the curse words, the threats, but sometimes I can't deal with this......the racial branding.
Don't judge me because you really don't know where I came from or who I am. I am as strong as I can be.
Born in Dallas grew up downtown Dallas on McKinney Streets before we had to leave to make room for those fancy uptown restaurants and office buildings. Moved to Oak Cliff when I was in the middle of first grade. In my class room there were two Hispanics, myself and another. Well really I was the true little Mexican girl in that class. I am the oldest of four girls. I didn't grow up on Sesame Street. English was my second language. My parents would pay our neighbor to help me with my homework. So the first years of school were hard. Imagine a first grader in class wanting to go to the restroom and the teacher refused to let her go just because she couldn't say it in English. I was stuck in a class room were everyone else spoke English but me. I remember at recess no one was allowed to play with me. Yeah because I didn't know English. My teacher really liked me. She sure liked to only use that ruler at my desk. She would put me on the spot and ridicule me saying I had no father. I didn't realize till later that she was wrong. But I managed. I pulled myself through with a scar of hatred locked inside of my heart. It stays dormant. I never forget how hard it was, how hard it must have been for my parents to see me struggle. I graduated high school took college but just never really seamed to finish, maybe one day.
I deal with thieves at work on a daily basis. They think that they are outsmarting me. I get mad at myself for allowing me to just stand there and take it but that is my job. Job something you don't like to do but it pays the bills. I gave up a great job once but that is the past. One day last year a white man got upset with me and said I belonged mopping the floors. I stopped what I was doing looked him in the face and said "Did I hear correct, did you just make a racial comment." He tried taking it back but it was too late. He should have not said it at all. I was so mad I went to the restroom to cry. I cried out of anger. I blamed my self for allowing him to say things like that to me. At work I have to just take it can't retaliate. Time passed then one day last month a black man that claims owns a restaurant got so mad at me he said that I probably have a green card because that is the only kind of people that work where I work. I couldn't believe that him being a business owner could say such a thing. When he noticed that I didn't get upset he went on to say that I am probably illegal and that I need to stick with my kind. This time I only got ridiculously mad. Yesterday was more of how dare you. An African woman with a passport not from the U.S. told me that I needed to cross back to the other side of the border. I said "Really, are you saying this to me?" " Wow." I still get upset, I get mad. What gives you the right to brand me to talk about my skin color? Who are you to say I don't belong here?
What makes a person go off and say something so racially hateful. I feel like it will become a routine to brand me so eventually it will not get to me, or at least that is what I will tell myself.
People get mad and say things that I don't know if they realize what they have said. How does someone say something and not realize that someone like me can just snap? I can deal with the curse words, the threats, but sometimes I can't deal with this......the racial branding.
Don't judge me because you really don't know where I came from or who I am. I am as strong as I can be.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
happy place
Find your happy place. I've been to small places I haven't traveled the world yet but I found my happy place. We've tried going every year sometimes it doesn't work out but when it does its all I can think about. If you haven't been to South Padre man maybe you haven't lived that feeling. I'm not talking about being there during spring break that is just not my kind of thing. I remember when in high school the one place I wanted to go for spring break was Cancun but could never gets my friends to save their money to go. So lost my place in Cancun. The only tips I can give you on South Padre is that I don't recommend going during spring break unless you want to become friends with total strangers and possibly do things you might not remember but if that is your style heck do it. Just try to either remember what you did or forget about it.
We like to go during the season when school is still in effect. When people can't really travel. Not that I don't like to cross paths with others just like to feel like if the beach is all to myself. Time driving there is a drag but once there it's all that you care about. This year was a challenge getting there we got caught in a hail storm had to pull under an underpass. It felt like if the car was going to break apart. Want to make this place my future home. Maybe one day. Didn't win the lottery so I now have to really work for my future home goal. This place gives me a sense of calmness of dreading leaving it to go back to reality. Love how the people here keep to themselves. They are strangers but friendly at the same time. Have you ever loved a place so much it hurts (makes you feel sad) not being there. I love Dallas but this my friends to me is paradise. We've been able to stay at a different hotel every time we go. Look for deals online. Maybe one day we will rent a home to stay in but I feel like it defeats the purpose if you are going to spend it on the beach. If you have a large family or tag along friends then get a summer home rental. It's cheaper that way.
We were walking up and down the beach line one day when came upon an elderly couple. We exchanged words. They were from Nebraska moved all the way to the tip of Texas, South Padre Island. She didn't want to live there because she felt like she was missing out on her grand kids but he on the other hand loved it. I just knew that they both loved it because as we were gathering shells they were gathering trash that others left behind. Which brought me to think that, that could be us in the future. We love the beach that much that we would pick up the trash left behind. If you have gone to Padre and are out in a about early morning at the beach you will also encounter a man that you might think is homeless but that my friend is an artist. He gathers items brushed up from the sea and makes it into art.
We've always had friends want to join us but its not the same with just me and my love. It's our little getaway. Its where we leave our worries behind. Find your happy place and may you enjoy it more every time.
If you haven't been to South Padre what are you waiting for? Make it to where it reads dead end (the tip of Texas where all you see is endless waters).
We like to go during the season when school is still in effect. When people can't really travel. Not that I don't like to cross paths with others just like to feel like if the beach is all to myself. Time driving there is a drag but once there it's all that you care about. This year was a challenge getting there we got caught in a hail storm had to pull under an underpass. It felt like if the car was going to break apart. Want to make this place my future home. Maybe one day. Didn't win the lottery so I now have to really work for my future home goal. This place gives me a sense of calmness of dreading leaving it to go back to reality. Love how the people here keep to themselves. They are strangers but friendly at the same time. Have you ever loved a place so much it hurts (makes you feel sad) not being there. I love Dallas but this my friends to me is paradise. We've been able to stay at a different hotel every time we go. Look for deals online. Maybe one day we will rent a home to stay in but I feel like it defeats the purpose if you are going to spend it on the beach. If you have a large family or tag along friends then get a summer home rental. It's cheaper that way.
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my dream home |
We were walking up and down the beach line one day when came upon an elderly couple. We exchanged words. They were from Nebraska moved all the way to the tip of Texas, South Padre Island. She didn't want to live there because she felt like she was missing out on her grand kids but he on the other hand loved it. I just knew that they both loved it because as we were gathering shells they were gathering trash that others left behind. Which brought me to think that, that could be us in the future. We love the beach that much that we would pick up the trash left behind. If you have gone to Padre and are out in a about early morning at the beach you will also encounter a man that you might think is homeless but that my friend is an artist. He gathers items brushed up from the sea and makes it into art.
We've always had friends want to join us but its not the same with just me and my love. It's our little getaway. Its where we leave our worries behind. Find your happy place and may you enjoy it more every time.
If you haven't been to South Padre what are you waiting for? Make it to where it reads dead end (the tip of Texas where all you see is endless waters).
Monday, April 29, 2013
national honesty day
I came upon this national day. Who would have thought it was even national. April 30, 2013 is National Honesty Day. Never heard of such a celebration. I decided to celebrate it. Honesty? What is honesty? We all lie. No one is innocent of this. Some are just more honest than others but no one is a true honest person. If you look up honesty in Wikipedia it will state this : Honesty means being truthful, trustworthy, loyal, fair and sincere. Honesty also means straightforward conduct.
I try my best to be this person. If you ask me a question it will most likely be truthful. You see I have no problem telling you something you don't want to hear. I don't dance around the question. I'm not the one that cares if you get your feelings hurt. Why string you along knowing it's not right. People don't like to ask me something directly because they may not like what I will say so instead they bring up a subject to get my opinion before they make their decision. I used to be loyal. With today's society that is slowly vanishing. I was known as ask Gabriela she will surely do it. Ask Gabriela she will be there. Well when loyalty doesn't get payed back it doesn't work. I am a fair person. I treat every one fairly. I'm not the type that stops being your friend just because someone else shuns you. You have to personally do me wrong before I stop being your friend. Sincere...what is that really? As you get older you realize some things do not matter anymore and you realize sincere is no longer in any person's vocabulary. Sincere is mostly a word tossed around in grade school before we realize people are not sincere. I've been known by a few that I'm a melodramatic person. Yes all the little things in life I turn them into big emotions. When you see straight forward conduct from me that is really what it is. I am frank. No sugar coating. If you ask me if I like your haircut I am honest. If you ask me if I like you I am honest. People sometimes think I'm joking when I tell them something they don't want to hear. No I do not like your haircut or no I do not like you.
Honesty, so do I have it? No. Do you have it? Probably not. But if you have checked all of the above WOW more power to you.
So how will I celebrate National Honesty Day? No different from any other day. The only thing that I can get from this day is that this is probably the only day that you can ask one other person a question and you can expect an honest answer. That if you are not an honest person April 30, 2013 is the day to come clean....to start over.
So with this said if you want to ask me an honest question, email me or message me and I will give you an honest answer. Help me help you celebrate National Honesty Day.
April 30, 2013 |
I try my best to be this person. If you ask me a question it will most likely be truthful. You see I have no problem telling you something you don't want to hear. I don't dance around the question. I'm not the one that cares if you get your feelings hurt. Why string you along knowing it's not right. People don't like to ask me something directly because they may not like what I will say so instead they bring up a subject to get my opinion before they make their decision. I used to be loyal. With today's society that is slowly vanishing. I was known as ask Gabriela she will surely do it. Ask Gabriela she will be there. Well when loyalty doesn't get payed back it doesn't work. I am a fair person. I treat every one fairly. I'm not the type that stops being your friend just because someone else shuns you. You have to personally do me wrong before I stop being your friend. Sincere...what is that really? As you get older you realize some things do not matter anymore and you realize sincere is no longer in any person's vocabulary. Sincere is mostly a word tossed around in grade school before we realize people are not sincere. I've been known by a few that I'm a melodramatic person. Yes all the little things in life I turn them into big emotions. When you see straight forward conduct from me that is really what it is. I am frank. No sugar coating. If you ask me if I like your haircut I am honest. If you ask me if I like you I am honest. People sometimes think I'm joking when I tell them something they don't want to hear. No I do not like your haircut or no I do not like you.
Honesty, so do I have it? No. Do you have it? Probably not. But if you have checked all of the above WOW more power to you.
So how will I celebrate National Honesty Day? No different from any other day. The only thing that I can get from this day is that this is probably the only day that you can ask one other person a question and you can expect an honest answer. That if you are not an honest person April 30, 2013 is the day to come clean....to start over.
So with this said if you want to ask me an honest question, email me or message me and I will give you an honest answer. Help me help you celebrate National Honesty Day.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Bangladesh red, yellow, and white
Bangladesh? I'm pretty sure you know when you hear Bangladesh what it is and who they are. We were invited to attend their new years celebration this past weekend. A couple of friends joined in on the celebration. When we arrived one of the police officers thought we were lost and was going to help direct us out of the street. When we said we were trying to find parking he just had a whatever floats your boat kind of head shake look. It was more strange to walk upon the crowd of people and be the only Mexican and white person there. We got those crazy but are they really here looks.
We sat towards the back didn't really know what to expect. Felt like being in a whole other country. It was quite interesting their colors for the new years were red, yellow, and white. We didn't wear Indian dresses but after looking at those beautiful dresses I told myself I wish I had. The crowd was filled with pretty red colors. The designs all uniquely made. The new years was celebrated with singing and dancing. They also released red and white balloons. Through the festivities they had vendors selling their clothing and jewelry. Didn't try all their foods but what I did taste was delicious. One thing that bothered me was that while they were playing their music no one danced just witnessed it on stage. I'm used to seeing people dance with the people on stage. Everyone was really friendly. Made us feel part of them. Well almost for the fact that they would sit next to Heather just to look at her. They would look at her and grin.
We actually enjoyed our selves. Learned a little about a culture that I never thought I'd get this far with. Plan on doing it again when we get invited just hope to have a dress this time. If you ever get the opportunity to experience another culture do it. Since we tried a little something to eat we will be going to an Indian restaurant and further our tastes buds. Keep in mind their foods are spicy so I'm going to take the mild side.
When we were leaving a car approached us. A lady on the passenger side rolled her window down and asked if we had came from the festivities. Heather said "yes." She then asked if we liked it. Heather said" yes we enjoyed it." We had to throw in that the food was delicious. She then said "thank you for learning our culture."
We sat towards the back didn't really know what to expect. Felt like being in a whole other country. It was quite interesting their colors for the new years were red, yellow, and white. We didn't wear Indian dresses but after looking at those beautiful dresses I told myself I wish I had. The crowd was filled with pretty red colors. The designs all uniquely made. The new years was celebrated with singing and dancing. They also released red and white balloons. Through the festivities they had vendors selling their clothing and jewelry. Didn't try all their foods but what I did taste was delicious. One thing that bothered me was that while they were playing their music no one danced just witnessed it on stage. I'm used to seeing people dance with the people on stage. Everyone was really friendly. Made us feel part of them. Well almost for the fact that they would sit next to Heather just to look at her. They would look at her and grin.
We actually enjoyed our selves. Learned a little about a culture that I never thought I'd get this far with. Plan on doing it again when we get invited just hope to have a dress this time. If you ever get the opportunity to experience another culture do it. Since we tried a little something to eat we will be going to an Indian restaurant and further our tastes buds. Keep in mind their foods are spicy so I'm going to take the mild side.
papdi chaat |
samosas |
seekh kabab |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
la familia
Family came to town. When your family comes to town what do you end up doing? Love my family we are made up into our own characters. Some play bigger roles than others. When we get together be it here or there we tend to do what we normally do. As a family it's not always the same so let me explain. When we go to Heather's dad's house. We have dinner and make it a movie night be it what day we pick it ends up with a movie. I love movie night I just have to pretend I'm not crying at a sad movie. At my parents it's meeting time or BBQ's. Heather's mom is far, we either go there or she comes here. Hate the fact that she is far but sometimes it's how it has to be. When family is not near you tend to do the things that you know they cannot experience at an everyday. In my case I try not to make them tired with my let's do things. I think I've gotten better with it. So I will share one thing we did as a family when they came to visit this time.
We have a tattoo artist in the family which you can already imagine what happened. Chelsie McKnight was able to make my first tattoo last year so she came prepared just in case we were in the mood to get one. She made the statement..."if you guys want one I brought my equipment!" we just looked at each other. Heather said "do you want one?". I said "well don't know they are painful." Heather had been wanting a small one so we knew she was getting one already. The next statement was... "if you like I have new black light ink" my eyes grew that big expression of confusion and excitement at the same time. So they explained it to me. Just in case you are like me and didn't know it's an ink that will not show on your skin unless you happen to come upon a black light. I said okay if I get one I want it to be an equals sign. I want two lines to wear if I happen to be under black light I want it to show red. Then we all talked about getting a tattoo. We all liked the equal idea so we all had Heather draw on us as Chelsie did her work. You should have seen us taking turns at the "chair of tattooing!". I wasn't getting nervous till it was my turn. Heather's mom went first. She would have to tell you how she felt getting it but how I saw her reactions I just knew it was going to be painful. Bri went next, took it like there was no pain. It was my turn I'm not going to lie. I screamed for her to hurry and finish it. I tend to have them in places that just hurt. I'm not trying to prove that I can handle the pain just trying to have it where I want it. Heather went next. I asked her if it hurt twice since she got two of them. She replied like saying "what pain?" lucky her. Then Chelsie herself was last. Heather drew it and she did her own tattoo. One tough lady. Our evening ended with our living room turning into a tattoo shop. The pain was so bad that I had to call it a night I felt dizzy. Of course it only hurt while she was doing it...and after she finished...and the next day!
You have heard the saying the family that prays together stays together.
This family not only prayed together but also got a tattoo to make us whole.
This is my family. I have always wanted my sisters and me to share one but that has yet to be seen. I don't encourage the pain but I do encourage that as a family let it mean something.
So on April 13, 2013 Heather and I got our very first black light tattoo from Chelsie McKnight along with Bri and mami n law. I am blessed to have a mami n law that is willing to share something so simple, a tattoo. When she comes back next time I hope my sisters are ready.
Equal meaning I just want no one person to be seen as less than anyone else...just equal. So if you happen to cross us at a black light party look for my red and Heathers white.
No, we were not drunk we just wanted to share something.
For the record I will not make this a habit. I don't get a high from it. I do however make it meaningful.
We have a tattoo artist in the family which you can already imagine what happened. Chelsie McKnight was able to make my first tattoo last year so she came prepared just in case we were in the mood to get one. She made the statement..."if you guys want one I brought my equipment!" we just looked at each other. Heather said "do you want one?". I said "well don't know they are painful." Heather had been wanting a small one so we knew she was getting one already. The next statement was... "if you like I have new black light ink" my eyes grew that big expression of confusion and excitement at the same time. So they explained it to me. Just in case you are like me and didn't know it's an ink that will not show on your skin unless you happen to come upon a black light. I said okay if I get one I want it to be an equals sign. I want two lines to wear if I happen to be under black light I want it to show red. Then we all talked about getting a tattoo. We all liked the equal idea so we all had Heather draw on us as Chelsie did her work. You should have seen us taking turns at the "chair of tattooing!". I wasn't getting nervous till it was my turn. Heather's mom went first. She would have to tell you how she felt getting it but how I saw her reactions I just knew it was going to be painful. Bri went next, took it like there was no pain. It was my turn I'm not going to lie. I screamed for her to hurry and finish it. I tend to have them in places that just hurt. I'm not trying to prove that I can handle the pain just trying to have it where I want it. Heather went next. I asked her if it hurt twice since she got two of them. She replied like saying "what pain?" lucky her. Then Chelsie herself was last. Heather drew it and she did her own tattoo. One tough lady. Our evening ended with our living room turning into a tattoo shop. The pain was so bad that I had to call it a night I felt dizzy. Of course it only hurt while she was doing it...and after she finished...and the next day!
You have heard the saying the family that prays together stays together.
Chelsie tattooing Bri |
This family not only prayed together but also got a tattoo to make us whole.
This is my family. I have always wanted my sisters and me to share one but that has yet to be seen. I don't encourage the pain but I do encourage that as a family let it mean something.
So on April 13, 2013 Heather and I got our very first black light tattoo from Chelsie McKnight along with Bri and mami n law. I am blessed to have a mami n law that is willing to share something so simple, a tattoo. When she comes back next time I hope my sisters are ready.
Equal meaning I just want no one person to be seen as less than anyone else...just equal. So if you happen to cross us at a black light party look for my red and Heathers white.
No, we were not drunk we just wanted to share something.
For the record I will not make this a habit. I don't get a high from it. I do however make it meaningful.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
on one knee
We were invited to a surprise birthday party here a couple of weeks ago. It had been planned for a while. You see we didn't really know the birthday girl that well and we didn't know what to expect. After much thought we decided to join the party. It was quite unique. Had an Elvis Presley impersonator and the Vegas theme going on. It had been a surprise birthday but something told me it was much more than that. They had a slide show and when I saw pictures on the screen it remind me of us. I love taking couple pictures after a while you see how you have grown, in my case how huge I was and how many haircuts my babe had gotten. Something told me that this slide show was going to be the real surprise. As soon as it was over she got on one knee and proposed to her girlfriend. It brought happy tears to my eyes. Here I was eyes wet, nose runny, and cheeks fluffy.
First I had never been a witness to an engagement and second I had never seen another lady propose to another lady. When Heather proposed to me it was back in 2006. She drew me a sketch folded the paper and gave it to me on one knee at our apartment. No witness around to witness our journey. Here I was feeling these emotions for someone I barely knew. Then I thought about the true meaning of my tears. The fact that here were two females that were in front of family, friends, even us declaring their love to want to marry each other. You might have seen your typical man and women but not this day. Love is love everyone deserves it. With the whole equality going on, on same sex marriages thinking it's not right to feel the way you do for another how do they know.
I'm not here to change your opinion on whether it's okay for same sex marriages to get married because believe me when I say that I don't want to see a lot of straight marriages happen but they do anyway. I'm here to say that just as you feel the happiness of one man and one women say "yes I will marry you" goes for everyone. The feeling is the same. The excitement is the same. I cried when my sisters got married so I would think that it would also apply to me. That day I also realized that even though the world is against you, you still take the world as your own. If someone is standing with a sign and say who are you to get married they don't realize that while they are against you, you still go on with your regular day planning. So while you picture the female crying and saying yes to the man that just proposed you also picture the female saying yes to the female that also got on her knee and proposed. After attending and witnessing such chapter in their lives I felt special knowing that they wanted us to be present for us to witness it. I would not have wanted to miss this for anything.
I don't normally like to blog about friends since I don't want anyone to feel jealousy but I just had to share this love story. So with this said want to wish Angel and Jessie much love and happiness.
First I had never been a witness to an engagement and second I had never seen another lady propose to another lady. When Heather proposed to me it was back in 2006. She drew me a sketch folded the paper and gave it to me on one knee at our apartment. No witness around to witness our journey. Here I was feeling these emotions for someone I barely knew. Then I thought about the true meaning of my tears. The fact that here were two females that were in front of family, friends, even us declaring their love to want to marry each other. You might have seen your typical man and women but not this day. Love is love everyone deserves it. With the whole equality going on, on same sex marriages thinking it's not right to feel the way you do for another how do they know.
I'm not here to change your opinion on whether it's okay for same sex marriages to get married because believe me when I say that I don't want to see a lot of straight marriages happen but they do anyway. I'm here to say that just as you feel the happiness of one man and one women say "yes I will marry you" goes for everyone. The feeling is the same. The excitement is the same. I cried when my sisters got married so I would think that it would also apply to me. That day I also realized that even though the world is against you, you still take the world as your own. If someone is standing with a sign and say who are you to get married they don't realize that while they are against you, you still go on with your regular day planning. So while you picture the female crying and saying yes to the man that just proposed you also picture the female saying yes to the female that also got on her knee and proposed. After attending and witnessing such chapter in their lives I felt special knowing that they wanted us to be present for us to witness it. I would not have wanted to miss this for anything.
I don't normally like to blog about friends since I don't want anyone to feel jealousy but I just had to share this love story. So with this said want to wish Angel and Jessie much love and happiness.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
wine ice cream
Saw an ad in the paper almost a year ago and kept telling myself that I needed to try this. Finally last week we went to Specs (an adult beverage center) with the purpose of finding this, What The What marvel. When we found it we both saw the light shine bright on it and said aaahhhhhhh!!!!
Yes my friends I'm talking about this wine yes wine ice cream. Who would have thought to make this? I tried Heathers first and yuck but then again I wouldn't like that wine but when I tried mine I was OMG in wine heaven. So tasty delicious. I asked if the ice cream had the wine or the chocolate maybe because I am a no sugar added person and I don't do chocolate so let me just say that I have come to the conclusion that any adult beverage be it ice cream contains no sugar. Yup that's right. Does wine have sugar? Nope. Does a margarita have sugar? Nope. Does any alcohol shot have sugar? Nope. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
They have other flavors so if you happen to come across this delicious (will taste the wine) item just make sure to keep it away from the kiddos because that would be something just crazy.
check out the website
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delicious if I say so myself |
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They have other flavors so if you happen to come across this delicious (will taste the wine) item just make sure to keep it away from the kiddos because that would be something just crazy.
check out the website
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
egg carton
Hello friends how are ya'll?
Been busy with here and there mostly having Saturday free days for us, meaning sleeping in watching Chiller TV seeing what stupid scary movie will pop on. Have been trying to visit the streets less because I am old. The hard part is trying not to be at two places at the same time.
Wanted to share this with you because well it meant so much to me. I'm pretty sure that by now you know a little bit about my grand parents. Don't want to go into detail but lets just say that Heathers grand parents have been the grand parents a kid could only want to ever have. On my parents side the one I wanted to get to know I never had the pleasure of meeting and the one that still lives kind of doesn't want anything to do with us. So this past Easter more like this past Sunday we received a carton of eggs from Becky. She explained the story about how a tradition came about and couldn't stop it from ending.
Becky's mother which would be my mother in laws (harsh words) mami (grandmother in law) to me has with her husband made Easter eggs (carton) for her grand kids. There has always been a confusion about who and if everyone got their eggs because picture Sundays at your moms with about maybe over thirty people at your house. This is how I remember back eleven years at me maws house the one time I visited. Me maws husband has passed and she still continues the tradition. Each grand kid still gets that carton of eggs. For eleven years we have missed out on those eggs but what makes it special is the fact that she still made them for us to have. So on this particular Sunday I realized that even though I had only in eleven years maybe seen this remarkable women twice she still included us. That is what made this special egg carton even that much special.
Loving the small things in life and cherishing the value it has.
Been busy with here and there mostly having Saturday free days for us, meaning sleeping in watching Chiller TV seeing what stupid scary movie will pop on. Have been trying to visit the streets less because I am old. The hard part is trying not to be at two places at the same time.
Wanted to share this with you because well it meant so much to me. I'm pretty sure that by now you know a little bit about my grand parents. Don't want to go into detail but lets just say that Heathers grand parents have been the grand parents a kid could only want to ever have. On my parents side the one I wanted to get to know I never had the pleasure of meeting and the one that still lives kind of doesn't want anything to do with us. So this past Easter more like this past Sunday we received a carton of eggs from Becky. She explained the story about how a tradition came about and couldn't stop it from ending.
Becky's mother which would be my mother in laws (harsh words) mami (grandmother in law) to me has with her husband made Easter eggs (carton) for her grand kids. There has always been a confusion about who and if everyone got their eggs because picture Sundays at your moms with about maybe over thirty people at your house. This is how I remember back eleven years at me maws house the one time I visited. Me maws husband has passed and she still continues the tradition. Each grand kid still gets that carton of eggs. For eleven years we have missed out on those eggs but what makes it special is the fact that she still made them for us to have. So on this particular Sunday I realized that even though I had only in eleven years maybe seen this remarkable women twice she still included us. That is what made this special egg carton even that much special.
Loving the small things in life and cherishing the value it has.
Friday, March 15, 2013
the sixth most haunted place in Texas
we were not alone The Nutt House Hotel |
a poem by an inmate on the walll |
the second floor of the jail cell |
So many ghost stories (history) that you just have to witness it yourself.
That day we met people from Frisco, Arlington, South Carolina, even the UK. You never think about the impact that a small town has on a person. Granbury is the sixth most haunted place in Texas. Granbury had 16 saloons and 18 brothels. Talk about some fun and trouble times. This to them was what Deep Ellum is to us. Before the tour we visited the jail. The jail no longer takes inmates but the thought of setting foot inside this building and stand inside the cell just gives you an eery feeling. How the years have passed by. As we started the night ghost tour the guide told us of an app that you upload onto your phone and you can detect any ghosts near you. The feeling of looking at your phone and it telling you that someone is just behind or in front of you makes you look up and you of course see nothing just blows your mind.
every day he gets gifts many pennies sometimes whiskey |
once was a funeral home where at this window would be real dead bodies being displayed |
if you open this door it will lead you to a mystery |
this staircase was built without knowing it would have caused two deaths |
As far as the app on your phone you have to ask Heather. She tried to turn it on when we got home and I told her "you better not".
Before I forget we are going to go back in May. May 18 to be exact for their second annual paranormal expo. The cost will be five dollars for a full day of mind blowing experiences. Will end at the cemetery but not for the weak. Picture yourself with total strangers just as it's getting dark at the cemetery. Well if you want to join us we can get scared together.
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