Saturday, December 29, 2012

the end to the beggining

A lot happened this year. So much destruction and death. We have to think that the good out ways the bad. The part of the good is smaller than the bad so we have to focus on the small good to make us move forward. The year is coming to an end. Some of us believed that we wouldn't see past December 21, 2012 but we have moved so far into technology that that was not going to happen. God has bigger plans for us. We still don't know how it will end just know that we have to prepare ourselves for the future ahead. We have to be better persons not just for our own sake but for humanity.

in Missouri the day my family decided to go tubing

As the year comes to an end we focus on what the year has brought us. When that clock hits midnight we want to be with someone special.  Be it family, your love or a friend. The thought of spending a day like the end to the beginning of the year alone is both a happy one and a sad one. Some of us don't have any. We have to think that there is something better in store for us pray that the next year is better.

Some will start by saying,  I start this new year working out going to the gym. Why ? So that you will go for the first two months and quit. So that you will start that new diet but give up. This new years resolution has always been a fraud to me. If you want to loose weight why wait till the new year? Why not today? Instead start with a new challenge. Make a stranger smile, laugh, spend more time with family. Treat that friend more special. When you say you will pray for someone actually do it.

Mother nature has been doing us right this year but how well have we treated her. People still throw cigarette butts out the window. Think about recycling more. Plant something. The whole hour without electricity wouldn't work for a nation that lives off of technology.

Many famous people died this year but the not famous people out number them. Thousands will cry for one that lives in the spotlight but not for their neighbor.

When that clock hits midnight what will you reminisce? A whole year will flash back in one minute. How the mind works. You'll remember the ones who couldn't be there and toast to what will come. We keep wanting better but we don't change. How do you change? Make that call, just get up and walk out that door the world is ready. Make a change for yourself.

baby Maggie
baby Rafael

I will remember that I still have my parents and that alone makes me a lucky person. I still have my sisters and their family's health is good. That I still have Heather by my side and her family is healthy as well. I will remember all the bad experiences and remember all the good ones. I will be thankful that our family grew with two more little angels this year. I will also remember the hate that someone had to set our home in Mexico on fire. We learn from what happens to make us better persons.

I may not be rich with materialistic things but thank God that I am rich in many many other ways. I don't know what the new year will bring. I pray that it will bring more happiness than sorrow. I will focus on making a total stranger feel good about themselves. Begin a new challenge and maybe go camping. What will you want to remember this time next year?

As the year comes to an end just think about the new beginning. Hope that you are where you want to be when the clock hits midnight for they say how you end your year is how the next will begin. Whether its alone or filled with a huge crowd make it special your own way.

Whatever you do ladies remember your red undies for it's a legend that if you wear them crossing into the new year your next will be filled with love.

Cheers to my love, my family, and friends may our next year be that much more special. May we be who we want to be. May we give thanks to being able to celebrate another crazy happy year.

Monday, December 24, 2012

a christmas card

Have you ever had a best friend? No, really a best friend? A friend that would be like a sister or in some cases like a brother. Someone you talk to like a part of your family no hold backs? I met Jennifer my ninth grade of high school. She and I were two out of three girls in our class. We had to stick together. You see it was a class filled with boys and the third girl was prettier than us at least that's how the boys treated her. We decided from that classroom that we were determined to be the best friends possible. We would exchange letters over the summer. Talk on the phone about anything. She came to be the only other person that knew me, and I her. If something happened or we wanted to talk we were there for each other no matter what time of the night it was. I didn't celebrate my birthdays but she always wanted to make it a big deal. She was the first friend I had that spent the night at my house. She would drive from balch springs to come visit me in oak cliff. I would do the same. I helped her with her crushes on boys or whether she should cut her hair. I remember when she bought her new car how she came to the house so she could give me a ride in it. We didn't have prom dates so we went together as friends. I remember when she moved out, got her own apartment. I remember when she finally got a job that she liked and was happy to have my picture on her desk as a family member. She would say I'm her best friend from many many years. We'd even keep count of the years. I also remember when she was ready to be a mom. When I came out she took it as a surprise couldn't believe it but understood and was happy for me.

I moved to Kansas and we still kept in touch but it wasn't the same. She was beginning to prepare what she had always wanted...a family with someone that loved her dearly. As we got older her group of friends were not like my group of friends. Our likes were now our differences. When I moved back to Texas our friendship was still there but we wouldn't see or talk for months.

When I finally got a call it was too late. I didn't realize she had tried to find me. I was at work when I got the call. The last time I saw her she was laying peacefully.  I visited her mom just before the last goodbye and she and I cried together. She told me that Jennifer had missed me, that she was scared, that she wanted me to be there. I didn't know what to say. I just shared those moments with her mother and told her that I was sorry and that I didn't know. Jennifer seemed normal but no one knew it would end this way.

I think about her a lot. I think about the wedding she'd wanted the kids she'd have. I think about her birthdays. I think about her just out of the blue. One day I saw someone and stopped her to ask what her name was because she looked exactly like my best friend Jennifer. I mostly blame myself for not being there. I haven't been able to talk to her family. I wrote her mother once for her birthday. Turned out Jennifer always got a kick out off the fact that her mom's birthday was a day after mine. I never got a response.

I don't know how we let time pass by without speaking? I should have been a better friend. She was the only daughter to her mother. I wish I could turn back time. She needed me and I wasn't there. I never got to say goodbye.

I don't know if you have ever had a best friend? Not just someone that shows up sometimes but all the time. A friend that buys you a rose on valentines day because we weren't lucky to get them from someone else. A friend that didn't have to go drink to have a good time but met up at McDonald's to just sit there and talk. A friend that would miss lunch just to sit out and stare into space thinking about worries as time flew by. If you do have such a friend I can say that you are one lucky person. If you lost that friend go find them. If you haven't had such a friend maybe it's because they were there all along and you didn't realize it.

I came home one day last week from work asked Heather if she got the mail. Sometimes I don't even know why I ask her if I do it right after she does. She had gotten all the mail she later when I went to check it myself I reached down my mailbox and found a letter addressed to me. As I began to open it tears poured down my face. Heather didn't know what was going on. It was the best Christmas card I could have received. Jennifer's mom mailed me a card with a special note in it.

It's been six years now that she hasn't been here. I still wonder what our lives would be like if she were here today.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

love is ...

Sometimes we are asked this question " how did you meet ?" 

It was a day in September the year 2001. She introduced herself and well when she did I'm not going to lie I said " and who are you? " I took it as someone wanting to be my friend. The more I got to know her the more we had in common the more time I wanted to spend with her. For the first time in my life I found myself intrigued by someone. I didn't know what I was feeling. I was never really planning on ever getting involved with anyone. I had already made my life up. Wasn't ready for any extra drama and I came with a package that would make it difficult for me to allow my self to get involved with anyone.  As time went by I knew there was something more than just getting together for movies or spending countless hours on the phone. Finally on December 6th 2001 as I sat on her dads couch the question arose. Will you be more than my friend? I pretended to not know what she meant until she questioned me again. Will you be my girl? I had that feeling in my stomach that I've heard people say before so I thought well I do like you a lot so Yes. It was there that I had my first kiss. I had lived my life differently than the normal kid. So believe when I say that I was sitting there age 23 and had my first kiss. That is the moment I knew my life would never be the same. We were inseparable.

Our beginning was tough. My parents didn't take it very well. I don't blame them. There are things that I wish I could have done differently. All I knew was that I was in love. All I knew was to not give up. I am the oldest so then my sisters looked up to me. I was a big support for them and here I was introducing someone into my life. But here it is eleven years later and all I have to say is that I'm glad we never gave up. I've been there when she lost her grandparents and she has been there since before our first niece was born. I don't regret loving. We've had many obstacles but there hasn't been anything yet that we can't conquer. I sometimes wonder that people have said in the past "I wonder if their love will last?"  well it has. I love her more everyday.

i love her like when you get a brand new book and you don't want to fold the page to save the spot.
i love her like my coffee always has to have ice
i love her like when i hear my favorite song so i pump the volume so that everyone else can hear it.
i love her like a kid loves cake
i love her like a fish that needs water
i love her like a flower that needs the sun
i love her like................................

We lived in Kansas for a little while and I remember feeling like it was us against the world.  I ran out of medicine. I felt to the point of almost losing my last breathes. My medicine was at the point of being discontinued. She drove all over trying to find a store that carried it. Drove for hours and when I told her to give up she wouldn't.  I knew that this was just the beginning of our love story.

I believe in soul mates. I also believe that god has more than one soul mate for you it just depends where you are at that particular moment taking that step left or right. I was lucky. I sometimes ask Heather if she thinks we would have still met if our lives were different. She said yes.

The only advice I can give you is to love. There is no harm in doing so.

I met Heather in September of 2001 just a month after her moving here from Texarkana. Maybe if I wasn't working where we both met, who knew we were destined to cross each others path.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Well friends it's over. The saga has ended yes I'm going to talk about this. It has been a long time but we found out how it would end. We pretty much knew how it would end but didn't know how emotional it would be. Watched it from the beginning. Something told me I would love it and
I did. Waited patiently for it but now sad that it's over. I never really cared for Bella she is not really a good actress but hey maybe it wouldn't be the same if she wasn't in between the two loves of her life. We don't know, it could have ended the other way around. I don't want to spoil it for you in case you hadn't seen it. Some people don't care for it. I took it as a love story with a twist. Who cares if it were vampires and werewolves the point that there could be love between to different beings was what mattered. One world colliding with another. Here it is day three of watching the finale and can't stop thinking of that intense last ten minutes of the film. Wanting them to do the reply over and over. I love movies but never have I been so into a series like this one. Didn't do Harry Potter, didn't do Lord Of The Rings and I know I didn't do Star Wars. If you didn't get into The Twilight Saga that's cool it wasn't for you. I chose Edwards side, his team. The thought of falling in love with someone out of your norm and wanting to be with them for eternity is what did it for me. Myth is that vampires live forever. I don't want to live forever it would be sad to see loved ones die and you stay on. But the fact of wanting to be with the one you love forever that's true. A husband dies and his wife is left alone how much longer does she follow him? A wife dies how can a husband live without her? It would be beautiful to know that two loves died together.

I am a fan, A Twilight Fan. Let me tell you of the last part of the saga experience. Our movie started at ten o'clock and we got there at nine and there was already a line that had extended pass the ropes. Across from us the 10:30 show had people already waiting on theirs. We waited til 9:45 to actually get in for our seats. As soon as we gave our tickets people were rushing to get to the seats which were still across the theatre. I took it upon myself to run. Yes I had a dork moment but that's okay the people behind us all also ran. You will not believe the different age groups and different cultures waiting to see this movie. I hadn't realized how this had impacted anyone else. Grand parents by themselves, mother with teenagers, and grown adults without kids.

when we arrived

I didn't care for how the movie started but how it ended was totally surprising. Grown men and women would yell at the screen. So many emotions going on so many screams of anger and happiness. There was even clapping involved. Here was a crowd that had watched it from the beginning like us and knew the story line and felt a connection that I literally cried at the one moment when I felt I had lost someone I cared for. It was just so emotional. If you saw it you know what I mean. Then that sigh of relief from the audience when we all gasped for air to have witnessed what had just happened. Just an awesome ending. As the movie goes off the cast appears on the screen from begging to end to the three most important characters. They show Jacob everyone cheers. They show Edward everyone cheers. They show Bella no one really cares. Sitting there to see if by any chance there will be more but there isn't.

sporting the shirt made for me by Heather 
Here I am Sunday after watching it Friday and still have it replaying the end in my head. Forever is Forever. There is no end. So as these lovebirds live the rest of their lives I'll tell you how I would want mine to end. Yes it's make believe but it doesn't hurt to love a love story.
Heather is driving the car and I'm in the passenger seat and it's the end of the world. We know we have no tomorrow. I look at her she looks at me we are holding hands say what will be our last words " i love you " and there is no next move.

Life would be so different without your partner. Try not to think about it just live life as if it were your last day loving.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

black fabric

This past weekend we went to Denton to check out an exhibit dedicated to coffins. Weird I know. How the coffins are used. The many ways to bury someone. We like to feed our brains with knowledge be it what it is. Found out some things that wanted to share with you.

Back in 1998 my moms father died and at the funeral I took some pictures. It sounds crazy I know. I had never taken any pictures of lost loved ones but my mom asked me to. I thought to myself why would my mom want me to do this? Well it was the man that had raised her and she loved him as a father so I figured to be her last memories of him. Later I had to keep the photos from her because she would fall into such sadness that I felt it was best that she didn't remember in pictures. As the years passed by I didn't see this at funerals but then Heathers grandfather died and I cared for him that I wanted to take pictures of his last stay here on earth so I did. I thought no one would know this feeling, I had to try to keep the very last memories of him. I could keep him in photo form. I didn't share these pictures with anyone else but I knew then why my mother wanted me to take some of her father.
covering a mirror
Now a days a funeral is blasted on cyber world like crazy. I think it's something private. Something shared only for the intimate. This leads me to what we learned. Back in the earlier years people would take pictures with the family member that had just passed. For example if my brother died today I would have him sitting in a chair and me and the family would sit next to him for one last picture. If my great aunt died today I would have her dressed laying up in bed with her eyes open and us sit next to her on the bed for one last picture. If a mother had three children and one died she would have her two living children sit next to her passed child and take a picture together. This was very normal. If it was normal then what happen to today? It would be considered taboo. A story that was shared with us by the guide that day was that a soldier was at war. Back home his wife was ready to give birth when she lost her baby. The soldier was able to come home for the loss of his child. While the family waited for him to arrive they had someway preserved the baby. They preserved the baby so that when he did arrive he could hold his baby and a photographer would take the one photo of father holding his child. The one memory that he and the family would have. Some would say creepy while others would look at it to be something sad and beautiful. 

wreath made out of hair
preparing the body
One thing that I noticed was that when the families took pictures with the deceased person they were not smiling but had sorrow in their faces the reason I say this is because I have seen pictures of family at funerals smiling. I think that they don't realize that they are at a funeral and the thought of a camera shot made them smile.

When someone passed the body would be placed at their home all the mirrors would be covered with black fabric. Superstitions would be so that their souls wouldn't get lost in another realm. We use flowers today for the beauty of decorating the space where they will be seen last or put to rest but back then it was used to cover the smell of the body. Back then they would have the undertaker come to the home to perform the embalming. The body would stay there for some days so they had to find a away to cover the smells. It sounds gross but that is natural when you die. We have come along way with the way this technique is used. Things that would be kept from the deceased would be locks of hair or something of very importance. Today would be money or objects of affection. An object from the exhibit was a wreath made out of human hair. The lady that had done this had collected years of hair and had turned it into a wreath to preserve as a family heirloom. Another thing that was significant was that at the time the person was pronounced dead the clocks in the home would be stopped. When you would come visit the family you would know the time of death. Wicker caskets were used as body bags.

wicker coffin
I filled my brain with knowledge that might help me see how it would be when I die. People don't really talk about death don't sit around a group of people and talk about it over drinks. I know I hadn't but now that I'm getting older that is always on my mind. One day you are here the next moment you don't know what happened. I believe in when I say  " if I die today will you care tomorrow". The reason I say this is because if you didn't take the moment to speak to me yesterday, and I died today why care about me tomorrow. When I pass only the very few will know.

Will you take pictures?  There was more meaning to the way someone was remembered back then than today.  However you decide to honor your loved one make it you not of what others might think. If you decide not to wear black don't do it. A funeral should be a celebration of a loved one that lived his or her life here on earth the way it was intended to be. A gathering of stories of the celebration of the life lived.

They have moved on to the next level because does it ever end?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1313 mockingbird lane

This past Saturday we had an adventure that could date back to black and white. The Munster Mansion was awesome. We arrived late around 9pm and waited in line for about an hour and a half. They would let only twelve people at a time. Only two groups were allowed inside the house at once. Outdoor activities took place and characters in costume entertained us. The question I had asked was the tour worth it. People replied with "yes it is awesome."

I learned about the mansion three years ago. I learned that they had opened their home to the public in 2002 and have dedicated to one weekend in October to showing their home. Everything you see from the characters, food, games, prizes are donated. Everything made this weekend goes to a special charity which is the SPCA of Ellis County. I was like a kid when they let us go ahead of a group. They opened that door and you could see the dragon under the stairs. The house was just unbelievable. They have made friends with people that have helped them make this possible. Some were original props from the show to some were made to be replicas. Every year you never know what will be an original. My favorite room was Eddie's. From the huge human size birdcage to the secret passage way. They live in the home the way it is dressed on the show. From the beds to the dinning room. They even had a fridge made to be identical to the show. They had the phone booth in a coffin. Lily (Sandra Mckee) even had dresses that were made to look like the originals. One was made out of the fabric from a coffin. It was just out of this world. We couldn't take pictures on the inside but some people were being sneaky in doing so. I just didn't want to get thrown out. I got the opportunity to ask Lily (Sandra) what made all this possible? If she is a fan? She laughed and told me that it started from a joke and it grew. They built the house from ground up. Someone asked a tour guide what their profession was. I bet everyone was thinking it. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Lily and Herman (Charles Mckee) are some of the nicest people that I have dealt with in a long time. We plan on going back but it won't be till five years from now. I want to see how much it has changed. Lily (Sandra) never met the real Lily (Yvonne De Carlo) but got the opportunity to talk to her over the phone before she died. They have a room filled with memorabilia. People all over have sent them items for their collection. Talk about fans. The tours started at seven there wasn't a wait in line then but I have to say my wait was well worth it. If you grew up watching the Munsters you have got to check this place out. Kids went to accompany their parents but couldn't understand why the house was the way it was.

Walked to the living room then the kitchen I asked the guide do they move the objects to keep them safe? The guide said no the way you see it is the way they live. The kitchen had permanent spider webs and the dust and fog were an every day look. Then we walked upstairs to the bedrooms. Herman and Lily's first, then Marylin, then Grandpa's, then Eddie's. The secret passage way from Eddie's room took us back downstairs to the memorabilia room, then an antique room and the one room in that house that looks normal. The normal room led us believe to be just a relaxing room where Herman keeps his guitars.

If you didn't get an opportunity to go this year there will be next year. It's a must see attraction.

If they made this home their mansion ....what is your passion?

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I haven't been able to write in awhile or to tell you of my adventures. I would like to say that one day I'm in Mexico and the next back what I call home. Mexico is where my parents grew up, met, feel in love, and married. Mexico is a part of me. I'd like to believe it to be a fairy tell. They've had so many obstacles and when I hear stories they have me thinking I wouldn't be who I am today if it not for them. I would have wanted to be a better person but things happen. I can actually say that things have happen in my life that can not possibly happen to someone else. So I say don't judge me because you don't know where I've been or where I come from. What you see is what you get. My life consists of my soul mate Heather, my parents, my sisters, my nieces, nephews and my in laws. The word in laws is just horrible so my family sounds better. The very few good friends I have make up a part of my life.

jealousy turns into hate and hate makes you do things that will blow your mind.

i live my life not thinking of looking over my shoulder for my enemies but they are there.

the devil finds ways to bring you down always. it's a continuing battle.

you stand there looking and without realizing it, it attacks. you scream because you didn't see it coming. the next thing you know to do is shield. not realizing how lucky you are that god made it seem less painful and harmless as it could have been. i cried out of anger....... not from pain.
teeth marks from a dog in Mexico
yes i was told he had his shots.

just a chapter in my life and I'll be ready for future ones.

Monday, September 24, 2012

munster mansion

The quest to find the famous Munster Mansion. A while back I came upon a read that stated that this house exists here in Texas. I was thinking could this be possible. I searched and found out it's closer than I thought. For three years now I've managed to search for the correct address and with the help of my lovely lady we went on our quest. We almost gave up. It is on a major farm road in Waxahachie, Texas but it's driveway is covered by trees so it makes it hard to find. We parked the car on the road and we walked to it. I got that silly feeling of omg it does exist.

They tell you in advance that you are not allowed to cross the gate but it's tempting when it's wide open. So we honor their wishes. They have dedicated to transforming their home into the Munster Mansion (stands on 5,000 square feet) both inside and out. 1313 mockingbird lane is written on their gates entrance but there physical address is a mystery. Besides being known as having a replica house of the TV show the Munsters they (Sandra and Charles McKee) like to live a private life.

We visited the outside of the mansion in July and couldn't wait til October to actually see it from inside. The family holds an annual fundraiser one weekend in October that benefits the Ellis County SPCA. They love our furry animals so all proceeds benefit will go to them. You can buy tickets to tour the home this one weekend and they have what I would call carnival activities outside their home to fit the Halloween theme. Anyone can dress in costume. Tickets for adults go for $20 dollars and tickets for kids under 12 are $12 dollars.

These are some of the activities
Kid's Costume Contest with prizes
Midway Games
Face Painting
Bounce House

I have waited long enough to see this home hope that this year I can cross it off my bucket list. I hear that Eddie Munster will be there this year. We lost grandpa Munster.

If you decide to go this is where you will meet the shuttle that will take you to the Mansion.
Munster Mansion
2401 Brown Street
Waxahachie TX, 75165.

the dates are October 19 - 20

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

cindy marie

This past Friday we got to hang out with what I like to call our older group of girls. We get together when we can and we go have some laughs. I don't discriminate against age. It was going to be extra exciting for me. You see Cindy has a boat and we were going to be the few lucky that are able to try it for the first time. Heather grew up around boats. I didn't know she knew how to drive one. I should have since both sides of her family love the open waters.

It was my first time to ever set foot on one. We ate at the restaurant on the lake called "The Oasis on Joe Pool Lake". It has a good vibe. They have bands play out there on the deck. The atmosphere was nice and cool. Its a good place to relax and sit back. I wouldn't recommend the food.

When we finished we walked over to Cindy's boat. The boat her husband help name the "Cindy Marie" I wonder where that name came from? We had drinks, it was relaxing something out of the norm. To me every little thing I turn and make it big. Did you know that you can also rent boats out here per hour? This information is good to know,  I told heather. The problem is whether you want it to be the two of you or a group. It's always hard to get a group because someone forgets to chip in.

We played truth or dare. Yes us playing truth or dare. I guess this game never gets to old. Being third to young that night I don't recall playing this game. I was always just dared to do things. One question that was asked was," did I ever have an embarrassing moment?" I don't remember being embarrassed. I was just always getting my feelings hurt. I'm not a shy person and don't really get in situations were I get embarrassed.  It was a tough question.

I'm going to share the story I shared that night. When I was in the sixth grade I had just gotten a brand new pair of LA Gear shoes. We lived in oak cliff and my mami had a chicken coop in our back yard. Our back yard was huge. I loved that house. We had chores to do after school like make sure the chickens had water and food. One day I came home from school and went straight to the chickens. I didn't change my clothes or shoes. Wanted to make sure the sooner I did it the better. I went to a junior high school that was known as a bad school. You would say the name and people just gave you that look. I remember that fights between races. I was a lucky one. I made friends no mater the color of their skin.

The next day I went to school. There was an odor in our class room. All the kids even me just brushed it off. As the day progressed the odor grew. We started pointing fingers to each other thinking it was the other person. We had two hours left to go when I realized it was me. You see since I didn't take off my shoes the day before I had managed to step in some chicken poop. I was what you call devastated. I went to the bathroom tried to clean it off. Took my shoes off and tried to rinse them but it helped a little. When I went back to class I now knew that everyone in the class room knew the smell was coming from me. I will never forget the moment when we had to stand in line to exit the class to exit the school when the kid in front of me turned to the kid behind me and did the most sweetest thing. They both said that if anyone opened their mouth to say something or made a bad gesture they were going to regret it.  All I remember is that they were both black kids and they were like my bodyguards. I never wore those shoes again for school. I had used my brand new shoes to now tend to the chickens.

We shared things on that boat that we will probably not talk about again. Sometimes I get surprised by the adventures we endure everyday by the people we meet. They help me form my path in life. You may learn the good with the bad. It's what you make of it. I choose to give everyone a chance I don't discriminate.

Friends if you ever get the opportunity to do something out of the norm go for it you will be surprised what comes out of that experience.

I loved sipping on some wine that chilly night on the Cindy Marie with my older group of girls. When the night is over it's back to our regular routine.

Monday, September 10, 2012


A big and important part of my life is Heather (my babe). I support all that she does. Whether small or big. You see she is full of so much creativity. She is good at anything she sets her mind to and I'm here to give her that push. Just recently she started to show others what she had been doing all this time. My life would not have been what it is today had I not met her. Who is to say I would even be here writing this blog if it not for her.

This past Saturday we participated in the 4th Annual Main St Event in Irving, Texas. It's actually our second time what I like to call setting up shop. Heather is really shy so she wasn't that crazy about it but me on the other hand was excited. We don't like to do this for the simple fact that we are always on the other side of the booth. We like to go to the festivals and see what we find. We have fun doing this one especially because it's in a city we know well. Heather gets to show a totally different crowd of people the things she loves to do. She makes jewelry and small paintings to sell. Love the reactions from people when they stop to look. It's different every time.

small staches on wood
pearl , shell , and wood necklaces.

This year her knew project was to make mustaches. Why you ask? People actually did ask. Well because it's something new and people are crazy about mustaches. Aren't you? I mean if you don't consider a mustache an art then why does a male even think about shaping it and making sure it looks good on his face. This is where the famous phrase of the day was introduced to us :

I mustache you a question?
But I will have to shave it for later.

Love the family that stick it out with us. Love the company and friends that stop to say hi. I'm sorry for the friends that find out a little to late to attend but I just know that we will probably do this again. This will probably be the one thing that we will continue to do till we get old or heather takes a break.

We are already coming up with ideas for next year. I can't contribute much but support. Heather is the hands on and the brains to do it. Check out her fan page on facebook:

eveything you find here is made by heather

We are sorry if we missed you we were not able to stay to 6pm. We closed shop at 4pm to attend Heathers artist reception for Made In America.

Thank you again until next years Main St Event.

Till then be proud of your mustaches we all have one.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I love the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens but you have to be careful when you go. You see we went on a hot, hot day for my birthday in July. Yeah you are probably thinking, Are you crazy? I wanted to go and well I didn't want the heat to stop us from going. There we were with a couple of other crazies trying to enjoy the scenery.

Have been seeing all the advertisements for the Chihuly Exhibit and was waiting patiently the time to check it out.  I want to see it and before you know time flies by and you missed it. We got a good deal buy one get one free ticket. You have to hunt sometimes for deals. If I can save the better. You can also buy parking online half the price as actually paying there. You can bring outside food. We stopped at a racetrack and you better believe we each grabbed the biggest soft drink they had.

When we finally arrived there weren't that many cars.  I don't understand the whole tearing down the Winfrey Point for parking. Winfrey Point is a building set on whiterock next to the arboretum that is used for wedding receptions or just a place to rent out and a field were baseball is played. We only know this because we checked into renting this place for our I Do's. I was loving the looks our tall containers of cold drinks sipping on my straw was getting. Next time we plan to bring a picnic. For you drinkers you can also bring adult beverages. When the weather cools down a little we will try to go back before the chihuly leaves. We want to try the chihuly at night exhibit. That will make the colors bright differently. The Chihuly Exhibit is a new art experience showcasing the most significant works of internationally acclaimed artist  Dale Chihuly. Love the colors and the shapes and sizes of them gets you thinking, How in the world did he make them come together?

The Chihuly Garden and Glass just opened in Seattle, Washington. Another good reason to visit Seattle. 

Make plans to attend the one here in Dallas. Make it a hot sweaty date or a romantic night. Bring the two of you or bring a group. I like the two of us better only because I don't have to annoy anyone when I stop here and there to take pictures.

Whatever you decide to do just remember it's here til November 5, 2012.

If you happen to wonder upon our picnic hope I have plenty to pass around.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ten cents

It's pretty much what you want to put in your tank. When I first got my brand new car now whomty back in 2001 I wanted to give it the best that I could. I was making good money at a great job that i regret leaving but that's another story. I would always put the most expensive gas in my vehicle. Unlike others I never gave my car a name. Just called it my sandy colored car. When recession took its toll I couldn't support my cars habit of nice smelling glamours gas. I dealt with it. To this day I feel bad that the car that has made it to Cuernava, Mexico to the states as far as Kansas every other weekend to transporting my moms mother from Mexico to having my little nieces and nephews riding in it, to sometimes taking me to where the road ends hasn't gotten the best.

My car may not be glamours or a fancy expensive car but it was new and bought with my hard earned money.

The other day I was like regular at the gas pump and the regular was blocked off on all the pumps to tell us that they ran out. That's okay I'll try the mid grade. I go and try to pump gas and nothing comes out so I say okay something isn't right. I walk inside and tell the clerk "is there something wrong with the pumps". He responds and tells me that they ran out of regular and mid grade. I look confused and say but you only have regular blocked off. It's then that it clicks in my brain and i say "wait are you telling me that......" he stops me and finishes by saying yes. I realized that both regular and mid grade share the same underground tank and both come out to represent differently. I was in shock. I then put the super premium gas and went on my way but I could not shake the fact that I payed 10 cents cheaper all this time when others pay mid grade and get the same gas as me. People are getting ripped off to expect a certain quality. All this time I felt bad for not treating my whompty sandy colored car when I just saved 10 cents from getting ripped of all these years.

I still could not believe that this was going on. Went back and told heather and my parents. Now I'm telling you. I'm not saying that every gas station does this because that fact is I don't know.
I did witness it happen and just a thought that there has to be more gas stations that do this.

To all the high rollers have you been ripped off?
I for one don't feel that way anymore.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

small brick toys

something tells me it's the on off of 75
I've never really thought much about legos. They are popular amongst kids and maybe one or two adults. I remember awhile back Heather was bugging me about getting her some legos. I wondered why she wanted to play with legos. Turns out there was a whole other side of just playing with them. You can connect to make art. It's when I understood her.

I kept seeing these articles about Dallas CityScape in the paper. Legos turned into Dallas Landmarks. I was interested. You see I didn't really care for the lego part but the fact that they were used to replicate buildings in Dallas well that I wanted to see. Time kept flying by and was wondering if we were going to get to check it out.

The exhibit costs five dollars. It benefits the East Dallas Community Schools. It was actually funny to see people walk in with their expensive shopping but were not willing to spend five dollars so they walked right back out.

Old Red Courthouse
They wanted us to play an I Spy Game. An I Spy list contained lego things or legoithians (lego people) through the exhibit. Over two point five million legos are used to make the Dallas CityScape. My favorite was the Half Price Book Store Lego Land. Others are The American Airlines Center and Victory Park, The Nasher Sculpture Center, Union Station, Old Red Courthouse, The Museum of Nature and Science, Dee and Charles Wyly Theater, Trammell Crow Tower, and The Hyatt Regency Hotel and Reunion Tower. I know it sounds like a kids place right, but I think it goes half and half. The kids get to play at the set ups of legos. There is even a toy speedway which Heather and I played and she won. The adults get to enjoy the landmarks.

I loved the idea of combining little brick toys into something bigger.
If you get a chance go and swing by see what you make of it. They are very friendly and you even get a toy on the way out. I got a car with a bull on it and Heather got a car with a wolf on it.

If we don't stop every once in a while to enjoy the little things in life they wouldn't exist.

ends September 3, 2012
Galleria Dallas
Level I near Tiffany & Co.
13350 Dallas Parkway
I-635 at North Dallas Tollway
Dallas, TX 75240

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ghost tours of dallas

Just in case you didn't already know, I'm going to tell you anyway.

Did you know that the Dallas West End was and is haunted today. Learn about downtown Dallas that you didn't know happened. I love history. History changes and you find yourself thinking this really happened. It was a special treat for me combining history with a haunt. You buy your tickets in advance. They give daily tours. You are lucky if its a small group. The tours are new but the haunts have always been there. I was so excited to know that I didn't have to wait till October (scary season) for something like this.
something happened from one of these windows

Our tour (ghost tours of Dallas) started around 8:00 pm. a total of 15 people. The tour is for all ages willing to believe but I don't recommend it towards the end. We had two young kids and they were racing to get out that our tour guide had to wrap it up. I would like to tell you more about it but then that takes the fun out of having your own experience. I do recommend that you give it a try. There is some walking involved, he takes you down the West End of Downtown Dallas. Where comfortable shoes. Don't worry you won't break a sweat unless you have to run because you saw something.

I was so thrilled about this that we will be going back, soon I hope. We couldn't stop talking about it for days. You will learn and possibly feel something literally touch you. You won't believe that where you are standing bodies are still buried. When they were asked how many ghosts haunt the west end, he said hundreds. There is even talk of a haunted hotel......... who steals the towels? What happened many years ago at the Red Court Museum? You won't believe what you are hearing. You know they always save the best for last.

the basement of the west end
The West End is opened yearly now only for Halloween season. Why? because it is actually haunted. Have you ever been to a haunted house and got the bejebus scared out of you well this place tops it because it's not make believe. Call it lucky or not if by the end of the tour something someone actually touches you. NO JOKE.

We were so intrigued that when it was over Heather and I walked the tour again by ourselves.

what ever you do don't stand by this door.
Take your cameras they encourage it. What will you capture?

There was a time that I could watch scary movies by myself then something happened and I missed out on a lot of haunts. Guess what I'm back. Back to get spooked or carry an extra pair of undies.

I don't know what causes us to get scared of the make believe when that should be the least of our problems. What we should actually be scared about is the real world. The shooting while sitting on the porch, the car accident that left a person in a coma, the wars fought daily for freedom.

So come on it's okay to get a little scared every once in a while it helps our insides want to jump out.

Give a try it will leave you saying "i have got to do this again, don't know if i missed something"

look closely and what do you see? in the court yard of the Red Court Museum.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

july grown

I'll be turning a year older this week. Not looking forward to it. I stopped keeping count of how old I am. I really do forget. Went out for a drink Friday night and got IDed. I took it as will I keep looking young.

I am hitting an age where I should actually look old but the first thing that comes to my mind is that the reason that I probably don't is that I haven't been a mom. Mothers always seem to have a look of being older. Well at least the real mothers out there. My biological clock is put away forever now so on to the next step. We have came close to twice having a little one run around the floors of our home but no luck. That doesn't mean we're giving up. As long as there is still an option.  Until then I will continue to show my ID when I ask for a drink.

Birthdays to me have never really been that special. A realization that I'm getting closer to the side of wondering if my knees will crinkle when I get up. Wondering how if any vitamins I should take today. Wondering what amount of respect do I get when I'm in the same room with teenagers. Yes I celebrate the happiness of God giving me another year. The question is how important is it?

As I get older I realize the things like what my first birthday might have been? What I was doing at age fifteen? Did I remember when I hit 21? How my first birthday with Heather was like. That I will never forget. How I managed to reach 30 and let time go by so fast? I love that I'm a Leo. Leo is what helps make me.  All I can think about on the month of July is how my mother must have gone through to have me at the hottest month of the year. Then the week of the big birthday comes and I get happy, I get sad, I get excited, I get depressed.  Then I wonder if I'm the only one that feels this way?

Soon it will come and go and the process starts all over again this time next year. As I get older memories begin to fade. That's when pictures come in place. This week will be filled with surprises and I know I will enjoy them. I will capture memories and go on to the 26th like a regular day.
this is my first shool picture
the years of innocence
the who are they now

This is me Gabriela born on the 25 of a hot month some even years ago.

Some don't get this far and I am grateful that I have.

Keep loving life and the rough edges it brings.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This window holds a piece of evidence that can be erased but hasn't. It has rained but hasn't been washed away. People have passed by it and it's still there. Now that I'm going to reveal the secret it probably will disappear. Eventually it will.

On March 13, 2012 we went to see the exhibit at the Dallas Holocaust Museum "Every Child Has A Name". This place is a sad reminder of what happened. It is also a learning center to teach us what we may not know. If you have a heart you will leave the museum with sadness and wonder how could this have happened for so many years? We've been here before but on this particular visit we did something out of the norm. We started walking when we spotted a window across the street and went to it. We noticed people had left a smear mark on the glass so we decided to do the same. Heather initialled our letters on the glass.

How many of you have left your fingerprints or tag on something? We tend to do it when we are younger. When we are crazy in love. When you grow older you stop doing things like this. Why? Is it because you fell out of love? Is it because you still love but have been loved for a long time? You think well maybe it's childish or silly. Why, because you are older? Heather and I tend to do things out of the norm. When we do things like this it makes us feel young and in love. We've been together for over ten years now and little things like this is what keeps us in love. I love her today even more than before. We met in the summer of 2001 and have never looked back.

We passed by this window this past Saturday to see if  our initials were still there, they were. It's been there almost four months. I glanced over at her and said, how long do you think it will stay there? she replied, i don't know? We both had this stupidly smile on our face. I took a picture so if it ever did come off the window we'll have that reminder of when it was there.
Have you ever left your mark? Do you remember what you were doing? If not try and pick a spot who knows what story will come from it or how it came about.

In actuality we don't need to put our initials anywhere to prove how much we love each other. I just love the little things that set us apart from knowing that she was the one for me.


Sunday, July 8, 2012


Yesterday we had what we call a free Saturday. Free Saturday- a day that we don't have to be anywhere in the day time so we look up the paper and see where the estate sales are happening. As you guys know we love to search for treasures. We found quite a few treasures but the ones I love the most are the ones that have a story.
On our third house we came upon a guy that was selling three boxes of postcards. I love the ones that actually have writing on them. He was selling them cheap so we decided to take a box to a corner and go through it. Picture the boxes the size of shoe boxes filled end to end with post cards some blank and some with a note. We were going to go through all the boxes but gave up on just that first one. It took us quite a while but we came home with a few. Some dated back far as 1906 to 1970.
visiting china town san francisco 1949
People rarely write postcards anymore. They just send a text or a picture message. I don't know about you but a letter I felt always cheers anyone up. I love history and what was before today's time. So postcards are always a good find. My favorite is what seems to be a marriage license. How did this pieces of treasure slip out of someones hand and is now in a shoe box? Some are Christmas postcards, some Easter. How many of you even get a Christmas letter in the mail?
Writing letters in the mail are becoming a thing of the past. One postcard was even in keyboard type. I still remember when I was a kid I in the summer would write letters to friends on a typewriter. Brings back memories. When I lived in Kansas for awhile my sisters would write me letters and that was always something to look forward to.
christmas postcard

When was the last time you wrote a note?
Will someone remember you in handwriting?
Postcards what are they?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

the fourth

I missed the Irving parade this year.They have the best patriotic Fourth of July parade in the area. Remember I work in a crazy place so I will have to work on certain holidays. Since I missed the parade heather decided that we go see some fireworks to make up for it. In actuality people always say it's just safe to stay home they might be right but it's only once a year that America celebrates her birthday, so why not see fireworks.
She googled and came up with hearing the symphony play some sounds at Fair Park. It was no ordinary symphony but the Grammy nominated Dallas Wind Symphony. The plus was watching the firecrackers over the Cotton Bowl. We arrived in time to grab a blanket and sit to hear the music. There were so many people. To start they played the Star Spangled Banner. Every time I hear this song be it at a game, at a graduation I always tear up. It's an emotional song. I wasn't able to be in the military but had I, I would have chosen the army.
As the people passed by us while the symphony was playing I began to look (I'm a people watcher) I noticed all the different ethnic people there. I was wondering were they there for the fire in the sky show or because they were also glad to be celebrating America's birthday? I just kept thinking WOW. How so many different countries are now in America? So many people want to be here in this land of the free. I don't blame them. It's a great country. We may not like each other as people but we come together in need.
As the last score played they wanted for our military people to stand. When they reached to the air force one man in a wheel chair stood up with the help of a man sitting next to him and that was what I meant when I said we come together.
We walked over to see the fountain dance to the rhythm of music waiting for the fireworks.
As the fireworks went off over the Cotton Bowl one song played "Proud To Be An American" we can only be so lucky. All eyes were on the sky. All ages some for the first time. How this could have felt for a refugee new to America made us feel so proud to have such a great country to be envied.

Think about the people that must wonder what it's like to see the red white and blue fires in the sky.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

beer and bones: space cadets

You think beer and bones and say, What? My sister Monica told me about beer and bones then sent me the info. Beer and bones is what the Museum of Nature and Science here in Dallas has come up with to make it more fun for adults June 21, 2012. It's after the museum closes from 7:00 and goes on till 10:00pm. This was there second event. They are going to make it a usual. It's for adults 18 and over.
Why beer and bones let me go into detail. You get to drink while inside the museum. Yes adult beverages at a museum. Who does this?  You get to do the beer part while looking at the bones (the current exhibit) when do they not have bones scattered and organized at the museum. What makes it fun is you get to participate with adults. Experience what kids get to experience when they go to the museum. Have you gone to a museum and felt silly trying to play the games that the kids play but everyone sees you and looks at you crazy for thinking that you can play too? On this night it's totally opposite.
space food
Grown adults if you want to call them adults get to play. They have a DJ playing some music to fit the theme. They have snacks and a cash bar for the beverages. We saw some interesting characters in costume. We got to make our own LED lights, try space food, made constellations, and saw the constellations in a big portable universe planetarium. We also got to see their current shark exhibit. All us adults were being big kids.
inside the portable planetarium
 It was fun I had my own teacher heather. As I looked and asked she had all my answers she could work there. As the person was filling our minds with knowledge heather was saying it before her. I had my own genius. Since it was a shark exhibit they had the movie JAWS playing. Heather was surprised I hadn't seen it yet. I had to repeat it so I'm repeating it again. No, I have not seen the movie JAWS.
We didn't know about the first one but heard it was such a hit that they are going to continue to have them. I can only tell you from my experience that yes we will be going to future ones. Who said kids are the only ones that can have this kind of fun.
Kid you not it was fun. At first I had my doubts but in the end I didn't want it to end. The next beer and bones was for September 2012 but has been canceled.
sign up at
Click here to join the MNS
e-newsletter list. to see when they will have their next beer and bones.
shark fins that were confiscated in New Zealand
and the pacific islands from fisherman supplying the fin trade
My sister treated us to this and we were so happy that she made our experience a great one.
I now understand why when you take the little ones to the Museum of Nature and Science they don't want to leave.